7 Simple Must-Asked Questions to Have a Winning Content Strategy

Strategically, with the help of any SEO consulting services, we can have higher traffic and ranking than the other sites and blogs. However, even when we seek SEO services,  it is still not a guarantee that we can achieve our desired rank when we have a poor and crappy content. We all know that content is the heart and soul of a site or blog.




Creating an engaging content for your website can be demanding at times. Implementing a content strategy itself needs our full attention. What more when it comes to creating appealing and engaging contents? Basically, the content must be precise and direct so the readers can easily and clearly understand what you want to tell them.

Writing a content means writing down your ideas. But sometimes, ideas won’t just flow more so when our minds are already tired and empty. A winning content observes and follows a good content strategy. Here are some of the must-asked questions if you want to have a winning content strategy.

  1. Who are your users/audience?

As a writer, you can’t write a content if you don’t know who your audiences are. To whom are you writing for? Who are these people that you want to impart your ideas to? And who are these people who would be interested and willing to read your articles or blog posts? These questions are essential for you to answer to identify your target audience.

You can’t determine the specific traffic on your site if you fail to determine your target audience. Also, you can’t identify what kind of people who usually visits your site or blog in terms of demographics. You may have a lot of target markets which can be difficult to write for, or you may have an ideal target market who you think will be interested in your contents.

Knowing your target market is a prerequisite of focusing more correctly on that particular market. such a process may boost the traffic to your site and let you obtain more qualified leads. Well, that is, aside from having better and higher page ranking on the search engines.

  1. Who are your competitors?

To know and identify your competitors mean that you are up for the challenge in a competitive world of online content consumption. Knowing who your competitors are is one way to being proactive and strategic enough especially when they want to take you off guard and copy your strategies.

If you are smart enough, however, you can get some of the ideas from your competitors. For instance, you may determine how they manage to have a successful content strategy particularly when it comes to letting the people stay and being engaged in the content they made. It is a matter of who gets the idea first and how you act on the idea. It could be you or your rival.

  1. What can you offer?

Since you already know your target audience and your direct (and even indirect) competitors, the next thing you must consider is what can you offer to your target audience that your competitors may not necessarily copy or imitate. That’s your unique value.

Some of the questions worth pondering are: What kind of content these particular groups of people need to know? What else can you teach them that they still don’t know? What kind of content will you give to them that they may be interested in?

Always remember that there are thousands of digital marketers who write and publish the same content as you do. The only way your content can stand out from the others is to make your contents unique, valuable, informative, relevant, interesting, useful and engaging.

  1. What does your target audience need and want to hear?

If you don’t have any ideas on what kind of content you should be writing for your audience, try being active online. It is necessary to socialize online so that you’d know what the trending topics are and for you to fit into the crowd and to your target audience. When you do, you know what kind of topics that they want to know.

You can get ideas by interacting with the other online writers also, perhaps through forums or any other social networking sites. Grab that idea and make an engaging content out of it for your target audience. The more engaging and interesting your topic will be, the more people will be reading, liking, commenting and sharing your content. In short, an engaging content is a magnet for worthy interactions!

  1. What is the purpose of your content?

Now yo know what to write about, the next thing you must consider is to know what is the purpose of the content. Is it purely for traffic and lead generation? Is your content intended for selling? Is it for entertainment? Will it be informative or educational? Is it intended for the kids or for adults?

It is important to know the purpose of your content so you may easily align the topic with the right audience. You may also identify which category your content belongs to and for you not to be confused.

  1. How often should you publish content?

When you start blogging, it is now your duty to give your target market an interesting content that they might not know yet. You must have a schedule on when to publish since you are tapping on your readers’ expectation. Eventually, your readers will look forward to reading your blog on that specific day. Will you publish one article per week or every other week? Or even every day?

Publishing a new content on a regular basis is also a daunting task. You have to think of a new and interesting ideas. There are instances when you cannot think of anything to write. Just always go back to the basics of why you are  writing in the first place.

  1. How will you distribute your content?

Publishing your content is not enough. You need to let the people know that your website or blog exists. Knowing where to distribute or post your content other than your website is a way to gain more viewers.

Be reminded that in publishing, you must be careful where you are going to post your contents. Not all publishing platforms are created equal. If you want to gain more viewers, you have to post your article on the sites wherein there will be lots of people that may notice and read it. The traffic of your blog also varies on how you should distribute it socially.

Sometimes, we complicate things when, in fact, having a good and winning content strategy is as easy as answering 7 must-asked questions. The secret is in the basics! And the basics that we are talking about are discussed above.

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