Youtube Marketing: Four (4) Ways To Get Your YouTube Videos Rank On Google

The SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of Google has long evolved from merely showing organic and paid results to dynamic elements ranging from direct answers, image and video results to in-depth articles, news and related searches. As an example, try typing “how to tie a tie” on The list includes a website detailing the knots, a Youtube result with instructions, some images and at the bottom, an Android App at Google Play Store.





How To Make Your Youtube Videos Rank On Google

Needless to say, using videos to market a website is a tool that every business owner can take advantage of. Learn how to make them rank on the SERP. Here are four (4) ways to show you how.


1. Pick the right keywords.

Just like how SEO companies and enthusiasts practice keyword research on websites, the same goes for videos. Pick the best terms that users will most likely type on Youtube search bar. For instance, suppose you are a newly-launched web development company who wants to establish brand awareness. Focus on creating helpful and viral videographics such as ultimate guide on how to increase website speed, web design trends for 2014 or reviews of the top 3 web hosting sites. Upload it on and lean towards the top phrases that will make your media easier to find.


2. Optimize your page and channel.

Any SEO consulting service will tell you that optimization is a must to be on the first page of Similar routine applies to both webpages and videopages. Insert the keyword on the title and description. Choose the correct category and maximize the tags option. Have your whole video transcribed and convert the transcription into captions or descriptions.


3. Get likes and comments.

Another secret to ranking well basically lies on the ratings, shares, comments, channel views and subscribers. Since Youtube integrated its commenting system with Google+ profiles, the chance to have a lively debate is better than ever. Interact within the community and reply to popular niche videos. By default, all comments in are posted on the commenter’s respective Google+ profiles so do not miss this opportunity. Encourage discussions on your video page. You can also create a playlist to boost your views. Add annotations to make them subscribe to your channel or to direct them to one of your content.


4. Build quality backlinks.

Embed it on your company blog, hold a contest, cross-promote it on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest and submit to top social bookmarking sites.

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