All posts tagged SEO cebu

Deadly Excuses That Hold You Back

She sat at her desk working a 9-to-5 job. As she perused her old photos lifted from an album on social media, she saw herself happily mixing batter in a silver bowl making Christmas cookies. She sighed as she had envisioned herself being a prominent chef with her own cooking show or at least her own restaurant.

But instead she works in finance sitting behind a desk taking calls day by day. And by this point in her life, she doesn’t see any of her dreams materializing anytime in her future. Besides, dreams are for the fresh and young people. Old people, way past their prime, have no business in making dreams. Dreams are for those who can afford them, and the endeavors entailed in reaching them.

What erroneous notions those two are.

Dreams are not exclusive for the wealthy but are accorded for anyone who is willing to make the struggle in accomplishing them. However, this misguided belief and statement becomes a justification for those who have failed themselves and their ambitions. Such misleading impression and belief of dreams being exclusive for the wealthy is a prospective threat to the doe-eyed people intent on attaining success.

What keeps us from progressing in our lives? What are the obstacles that hinder us from realizing our true potential? Are the things that impede us from our achievements truly innate in us?

All of us, if not most, have imagined futures where we see ourselves succeed. We all have dreams, aspirations and various goals that we all hope to come to fruition one day. Only the road to achieving these is not set on a straight path. That path is littered with many trials. Humans as we all are, we are not proof against committing errors in our day to day activities.

Some of us will try our hardest to make sure we reach these dreams. Some of us think of excuses on why we never got there, doing a great disservice to oneself shall you proffer inexcusable reasons for failing to reach our dreams. Some of these reasons are deadly, and here are some of them that may be keeping you from achieving your dreams.

“I do not possess an impressive work experience.”

This is a deadly cop-out and is almost synonymous with saying you do not find yourself worthy of your own dreams. You might not boast stellar credentials and impressive work experience, but that should not be a roadblock in chasing your dreams. Additionally, this excuse also becomes the reason some people settle for less than what they are truly worth. They slave for hours on minimal compensation without stopping to consider that they might be qualified for a higher position and a better salary bracket. Never let this excuse restrict you from attaining your goals. In one way or another, we have had all the experience we need, and this is called ‘life experience’ that can be utilized for any work we are involved in.

“I am too young or old.”

As the adage goes, “Age is just a number” and in this case, it still is. Age is no basis of whether you should start or cease chasing success. Either way, whether you are young or old, you possess innumerable advantages. When you are young, you are filled with boundless enthusiasm and energy. Whereas, when you are old, you are more knowledgeable and experienced which will work to your advantage. Don’t let this excuse serve as an obstacle to achieving your dreams. After all, age should not matter.

“My education is unremarkable.”

A common reason for delaying the chase of dreams is people lamenting the fact that they do not possess a college degree. Most of us were misled to believe that to be truly successful in life, we should go to school and get a job – a rather formulaic take on success. Because of this misguided belief, people are committing themselves to a self-imposed prison and have ultimately disabled themselves from a race where they could have won. Possessing a college degree in no way makes you smarter than anyone else; we are all smart in our own way. Proper application of our intellect will take us places, and that in itself is more than enough.

“Time is not on my side.”

In essence, it is like you are saying that you do not have time to achieve all that you envisioned for yourself. This deadly excuse is the lamest one among the ones listed in this article. Achieving an ultimate goal is not set in stone, and the logistics involved in it is not always the same for everyone. There is no definite time frame for it. So, if anything, you should be navigating the road to achieving your dreams today. You may not possess all the needed resources you want, but there is no harm in starting small today which would eventually get bigger day by day. Remember, there is no effort so small as to render it insignificant. Every little thing you do today counts tomorrow. So start now.

“I do not have enough support.”

This excuse shifts the blame towards others rather than focusing the blame on yourself. The truth is, you need to have a proper self-awareness before you can truly attain your dreams and succeed in life. You do not need to source support from others in achieving your dreams. In lieu of garnering support, you should create and find it. There are a lot of people out there who will be more than willing to see you accomplish your dreams and succeed. You just need to find the right kind of people whose dreams are in line with yours. They are looking for you as much as you are looking for them.

“I do not have the necessary finances.”

Money is a tight issue and remains to be one of the biggest reasons people would neglect chasing their dreams or avoid them altogether. We may not possess sufficient funds today, but are capable of generating those funds and saving them. We should be wise about the money we earn and be creative with the money we have saved. In time, when enough finances are accumulated, you can start making your dreams come true. There is no exact formula for success, but one way of doing it is to attain money sufficient enough to sustain your dreams.

These are the biggest deterrents and excuses in achieving one’s dreams. More often than not, you may have heard it or even used it yourself. Consider these if ever you feel the need to chalk it up to these reasons when you are in the midst of an impending surrender:

  • A dream remains a dream if you have no intent on achieving them.
  • An aspiration becomes an inspiration when a plan is thoroughly laid out in achieving it.
  • A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Remember, your dreams are your grandest possessions today and realizing them and having them come true will be your biggest accomplishment. Time, age and money are not your enemies. Your excuses are. So, it is up to you how you can change that.

SEO Guide: How to Do SEO on Your Own

Can we? Really?

It is a must for every digital marketer to know how important a guaranteed SEO is and what it can do for our website. Without it, it is just impossible for any website to improve its ranking on search engines.

There are digital marketers who want to do SEO on their own, which raises also a lot of questions. Is it possible and legal to do SEO on our own? Is it doable? Are we still going to achieve the desired page ranking for our website if we do SEO ourselves?

Yes, you can!

Despite its inherent risks, doing SEO by yourself is completely doable and it has advantages, too. Well, if you have brilliant strategies on how you can make your website rank above any other websites, then why not?!

Point is, doing the basics of SEO is advantageous enough than not doing them at all. Here are some of the SEO basics that I am talking about.

Create blog posts

Start by creating blog posts, but publishing blog posts doesn’t just mean writing. You write for your readers with the goal of making them informed on the things that they need to know and understand about a certain topic or niche.

Creating a good and engaging blog post is important for your website to rank on the top of Google and other search engines. And when you create a captivating blog posts, you are grabbing the people’s attention. You caught their interest and hopefully, they will explore your website further than the homepage.

There are elements that make a blog post more successful. An interesting headline is one of these elements. Of course, the content itself must be informative. Always be attentive to the things that can grab the online user’s attention. Know the trendy topics and use them as your leverage for engaging people in your blog posts.

Another key to engagement is making your content as simple and comprehensible as possible to the extent that your reader would easily understand what your topic is all about. Remember KISS? Keep it simple and don’t leave your readers confused.

Build a social presence

As a digital marketer, there will always be the need for you to be active socially. You have to know what interest your target audience, so that you will have an idea on how to properly address their levels of engagement while they are on your site. Paying attention to the reader’s needs is always a plus on your side as a digital marketer or as a blogger if you are more comfortable calling yourself as such.

To engage socially, it means interactive by sharing about a new article on the sites wherein the majority of the target consumers can see and relate to it. Interacting also means liking and sharing other interesting articles that people want to read. Don’t hesitate to share other company’s content. After all, the engagement is directed to your site and not on your competitors’. The more interesting the contents you share, the more people will share them.

As much as possible, do not neglect your public’s suggestions or opinions. Try to engage in a conversation when needed. Say thank you to them when they give a good feedback about your brand, staff, product or service. Appreciation can further boost their interest in your company and it what it offers and does.

Attend to the needs of the people as your customers. Politely accepting their bad feedback and trying to improve the part wherein they are not satisfied is also one way of making the people interact more with your site. Create a rapport between you and them as your customers. That’s the bottom-line.

Look for guest blogging opportunities

It is a good opportunity when you try to guest post on different websites or blogs. Publishing your article on their website can escalate your own website’s viewership due to the viewership of that site you intend to submit a guest post or article. Of course, you have to be very careful in choosing the website to post your articles.

When shortlisting sites that allow guest posting, try to look for a website that has high-quality traffic. You also have to make sure that the website you are going to publish your article is related to your topic. There are thousands of related websites that allow article submission. Unfortunately, not all of these sites accumulate the appropriate traffic volume and ranking results.

Monitor your account

It is a must to monitor the viewership of your website or blog. By doing this, you can track the performance of your website traffic and ranking-wise.

There are actually two monitoring tools that you can use. These are Google Analytic and Authority Labs. These tools can help you. Without any of these, it will be difficult for you to know the status of your website.

Specifically, the tool helps in finding out how your visitors locate your website. Google Analytics, for instance, also identifies what keywords are most used by your visitors. As you dig deeper into the demographics of your visitors, you will be able to identify what kinds of people are mostly visiting your site and from where. In simpler terms, the tools will help you to evaluate your website’s traffic flow whether it is gaining more and more visitors or not.

With all the statistics that the tools made available to their users, you may conveniently take note of what needs to be changed or improved in your website or your strategy, in general.

Monitoring plays a big part in improving your website or blog’s ranking on the results pages. That is why you have to be very keen when it comes to the status of your website and the improvements that need to be done.

These are just the SEO basics that you can do on your own. By following the practical tips noted above, there is no reason why your SEO will not be successful. There will always be a caveat though. Doing SEO by yourself is risky. If you have the knowledge or capacity to do it then, you may hire an SEO consulting service. Just make sure that the SEO consultant that you are about to consult is credible enough to do the SEO successfully for you not to regret hiring it.

Having a guaranteed SEO and making your blog rise to the top rank in the search engine would definitely not be the end of the process of making your blog be known to the people. Keeping and maintaining your blog traffic would also be your duty to gain more readers that would engage in your blog posts.

Leaving your blog without maintaining its traffic is very risky especially when your blog post is already on the top rank on the search engine. You also have to consider thousands of bloggers who would love to have your rank and replacing it with theirs. You definitely would not allow this, would you?

Keeping and maintaining your blog traffic and making sure that the viewership of your blog posts are increasing would be a challenge. It is challenging since you have to consider the other things that readers would engage and must be engaged in while reading your blog. Not just viewing, but staying and reading your blog posts and then, interacting with the posts and other people who have read and interacted with your posts.

As bloggers, by profession or hobby, there are some points to ponder when you want to keep and maintain high-quality traffic on your blogs. And, here are some things you can do to make sure that your blog ranking would surely stay on the top.

Determine other blog topics or posts that are generating traffic constantly

Be mindful that that there are a lot of bloggers who also generates good traffic on their blogs. As a blogger, you also have to be observant on how other bloggers successfully generate and maintain good traffic. When you feel like your blog still needs more improvement, you have to act accordingly. Change the content  angles, for instance, to make your blog more noticeable.

You do not just observe, but you also have to identify and determine other bloggers that are capable of bringing high-quality traffic to your blog. Involve and mention them on your blog post, too. In that way, you are building a relevant support page that target the same search term and internally link to it.

Including quality links on your blog post can help enhance the visibility of your blog. Improving and constantly updating your blog for the better is also one way of maintaining and increasing convert-ready traffic on your blog. With this said, you have to know which blogs can help increase your traffic and which blogs do not offer any help.

Make the most of your marketing’s momentum

With all the efforts that you have been putting on your blog, there will be a time when your blog traffic will suddenly rise. It is best that you have to immediately identify the major source that boosts such traffic so that, you can have the same and better amount of traffic in the future when you need them on your blog.

There is a big possibility that the previous blog posts that you have mentioned in more current posts, for marketing purposes will receive page visits for the second time and most likely be liked and shared again. Don’t feel tired in giving compliments to the other bloggers. Since they will also voluntarily link your blog posts on their blog posts  and vice versa. That is the beauty when you have created a good rapport with other bloggers which also gives you a lot of blogging and rank-increasing opportunities. More about this on the latte part.

Always stay on the reader’s satisfaction

Constantly updating and improving your blog is a key factor here. Informing and making the readers happy and satisfied is your duty as a blogger. People usually depend on the information that you give. When they feel that you, as a blogger can be trusted when it comes to the things that you have already imparted to them, they will come back for more. They will do so for future reference.

Put simply, the more interested people are in your site, the higher the page rank your page will be. That is why satisfying your readers should be your number one priority. It is true they say that you have to write for your readers and not the bots.

Link out to influential people through socially engaging content

There are a lot of influential people out there who are mostly active in blogging that can also help publicized your blog. How? By linking them to your contents, involving them on your topic can attract other bloggers who are also aware of the influence of the blogger or topic you mentioned in your post.

Since most influential people are active in blogging, there are most likely to share your blog on various social media platforms that they have a direct and indirect control of. There is also a big chance that your blog will be seen and shared by the other influential bloggers in their respective social sites. With that, it will help your blog’s visibility in the search engine and any other social channels.

How can you do this more specifically? There are actually a lot of ways on how you can link or mention them on your topic. Influential people often publishes words of wisdom that may fit your topic; you can also quote them as your reference while using their own words. Or, you can also mention them by linking their blog post which discussed something related to your topic.

Network with other blogs

Mentioning and linking influential people or bloggers is not enough, you also have to create and build a good rapport to other bloggers as well. Put simply, involve other bloggers in your posts. Always remember that showing a good attitude and gratitude to other bloggers reflects your personality as an individual blogger. Starting and building a good conversation and sharing insights to the other bloggers will be an advantage on your part.

The question now is how you can effectively network with other bloggers? You can build a good connection with commenting or leaving a good remark on the comment section or even in their personal emails. Giving those compliments on how they are keeping up the good work, on how informative the contents are and how they can let the readers engaged with their topic work well in the blogosphere.

These simple acts encourage other bloggers to make their own work better than the previous one. With that, they will have a good reason to visit and explore your blog and more likely to share your blog posts on their site or any other social sites.

To make sense of it all, guaranteed SEO in this context refers to gaining, keeping and increasing high-quality traffic on your blog. Traffic come and go, but convert-ready traffic is sure hard to come by. Above are some of the strategies that bloggers like you may implement to secure their post in the top of the results pages.

In the world of business, most, if not all, must be perfect. However, situations that can affect and hinder business improvements are inevitable. Without any good strategy to boost your sales, your business might fail. It is a breakthrough for a company to have a guaranteed SEO that helps improve business growth. Yet there are still a lot of businesses who have doubts about integrating search engine optimization (or simply SEO) in their business. Perhaps, they still don’t understand how SEO works when it comes to helping and boosting their sales.

You might ask, what SEO is really and in what way it can help my business? Well, for one reason, SEO promotes your business to the people. That is why, people who are into business needs it. Here are the reasons why every business people must have SEO on their side.

SEO builds brand awareness

You should always put in mind that not all businesses are known to the people. And your business might be one of those that are not that known to them. The lack of knowledge that your company exists is one of the reasons why your business might go down. Letting the people know what your company or business is all about is one way to promote or publicize your products. With that, it will boost your sales in the process.

SEO makes your business visible to the people. It lets the people know that your company exists. Yes. SEO tries to put your business on the top rank in the search engine. The higher the rank is, the more visible your company gets. People get to see it whenever they search something that is related to your business. Through it, more and more people will recognize and learn what your company is all about.

When people noticed that more people go to the page where your business is, the more intrigued they are and tries to go to your business page as well. With that, you may guarantee that your leads and conversions will go up since more and more people are now aware of your company’s products and services.

SEO improves business credibility

When one learns that many people recognizes and likes your company just by viewing and reading your company profile and what is it all about, he or she might like your company as well. The mob influence is there. And one way to influence other people to try your business or products is through their reviews. Reading and giving reviews or feedbacks and comments are one way to know whether your customers appreciate and are satisfied with your services or not.

A good review from a client adds an impact to the people who want and are still planning to try your offerings. Just like how visible your company is, the better and satisfying reviews you get from the customers, the more people would want to associate themselves with your company or brand.

Just be careful of the people who have a negative review since it also affects the credibility of your company. Make sure that you attend to them diligently. The tendency of having a negative comment is that people may have doubts in trying your services and that can really affect the sales of the company. If you don’t want that to happen, you can always choose to approve or disapprove their reviews before posting it to your page. In that way, you can minimize the negative reviews from the clients.

SEO encourages other entities to do business with you

There are investors who scout for people who are also into a business. Sometimes, they search for people through the web. Taking good care of your business page keeps you in the top rank of the search engine, making it easier for investors to find you and learn what your core business is. When your business page makes a good impression to the investors, they will definitely want to invest in your company.

Investors can be critical in choosing which company to have business with. They look into the popularity of your company or products. They also look at the reviews from your business page whether you have volumes of happy and satisfied customers. Investors also try to assess whether your company is worthy enough for their investments. That is why, making use of the SEO is important when you want to attract investors.

When you have a good strategy on how to attract more and more investors, and with the help and the use of SEO, your business will surely be on top than any other businesses. Just make sure that your rank on the search engine is sustainable despite the ongoing SEO efforts of other companies that are also looking for investors to invest in their companies.

SEO helps business growth

SEO plays a big part in the business growth. It gives a big impact to your company and to the people who are also interested to be part of your company. Finding you company in the web gives them an easier access and more transparent way of knowing your company.

When you make your customers satisfied with your products and services, they usually tend to share your business with their families and friends. This is word of mouth. When they do, these people will try your products as well, expecting to experience the same thing that a happy customer experienced. And the cycle goes on as other happy customers share the experience with others, increasing sales in the process.

There are actually a lot of ways on how to make your business be known to the people. If possible, you will try  every single way on how to make your business be on the top from other businesses, right? SEO is just one way of growing your business. Nonetheless, this can be the most important thing for your business and what your business might actually need. Staying on top of the search engine has its many benefits, business-wise. Indeed!

4 Things Every Blogger Must Know

The number one rule, when you are into blogging, is to know that the web is a battle place. A place where every blogger is in a competitive mode, competing on which blog wins the heart of the reader and which blog gain more shares and likes. Even SEO Cebu or Manila competes to gain more readers and make their blogs at the top rank of the search engine.


A tough one, isn’t it?  It is daunting to compete with other bloggers who rank on the top. Perhaps not, when you just understand and know how successful bloggers did the work. It doesn’t need to be that complicated when you try and apply their techniques on how they attract readers and win their hearts.


Admit it! When you don’t like the topic, or you don’t like the title of the topic, you would skip it. You don’t want to read it. Who would want to read an article when the headline is not even that engaging? Headlines play a great role in your blog. It catches the reader’s attention. It grabs their interest. Because when they read an interesting headline and got hooked up, they will stay on your blog a little longer.

Don’t kill a good headline by having a long and wordy title because when you do, expect to have fewer readers. There are limitations in composing a good headline. The ideal length of the headlines is only 6 words. But, there are times when 6 words won’t be enough for the headline. You can have up to 65 characters as the maximum before the search engine truncates your blog post’s title.

Another way to attract the reader’s attention is to add numbers or a negative word to your title. With that, the reader will be intrigued by your article. The more intrigued they are, the more they want to stay and read your posts.

Remember, it is just only the headline.  There are still a lot of things to consider if you want your blog to gain more readers.


The content of your article is the meat of your blog posts. Without it, there is no point of having and making one. Of course, there will always be contents for the people to read. This is where the challenge takes place. You already got the reader’s attention through your headlines, the challenge for you is to make the readers stay and read the whole article.

You already have an engaging topic. And now, you have to make sure that your content will also be as interesting and engaging as your headlines. Writing the content for your blog is always critical. It needs attention so as not to make the readers feel dismayed.

Good blog content is when people can relate to what you are trying to impart through your article. Readers would want to feel the connection between you as an author or a blogger and them. Of course, one way to know what readers want to read is to know what topics that are now trending, the talk of the town (including the social media) or the ins and outs of daily living. And that what makes your blog more interesting when everybody wants to talk about it.

And, don’t ever forget the grammar, the punctuations and the spelling of your words. Having a bad grammar, misplaced punctuations and wrong spellings can turn your readers off. It doesn’t look good on your blog, and it is a must of every blogger to check each word to make sure it is properly used.

If you are not comfortable with self-editing, you can use online editing sites. There will be suggestions on how to make the sentence more understandable to the readers. With that, it will help minimize the grammar errors in your articles.


Publishing your articles on your blog is not just enough. One way to make your blog post noticeable is to share. Because readers won’t make an effort to find and read your blog posts if you don’t share it with your friends or other social networking sites. Sharing is one way to make your blog post be seen and read. Don’t have Twitter accounts, Facebook, Instagram, Tumbler, and other social networking sites? Now is the time you make one.

Sharing your blog posts on the social media sites would be a great help to increase the viewership of your blog. In that way, many people will be intrigued what your post is all about since many would like, share, and tweet your posts. Just be careful about which and what sites you will be posting your blog since there are sites that are not that as noticeable as the other leading sites.

The beauty of sharing your post on the social media is that when you share, there are people who love your post will also share it with their social media accounts. And through that, more and more people will take notice and read your blog.  That is one way to make your blog post rank on the top. The more views, likes, tweets, and shares you have, the more your blog will be placed in the top rank of the search engine.

How do you like it? Great isn’t it? That is why every blogger must share their post on social media to gain more readers.


Constant update on your posts also plays a big role on your blog. Updating may give you more reviews from the bloggers or readers. When you update your posts, people would want to interact with you as the author. Most bloggers or other people who just read your articles may want to comment and share their thoughts regarding the topic. When you interact with them, more and more readers would also love to join the conversations that you have.

A constant update on your blog posts means you are an active blogger. And, that is one way to gain more readers to read your posts. When you do the updates, you might want to tag something from the other sites that can be related to your topic for better and wider information that you can give to your readers.

None of these things should be treated more important than the other, all of them are. In the world where the social media consume much of the time of the people, it is important to share and update. Nonetheless, this might not be possible without truly engaging and interesting article.

Let me start by saying whether you are doing SEO in Manila or Cebu, the web is a jungle! The Internet aims to level the playing field in terms of promoting the brand and building a customer list. At times, you’d think that it is not made for small businesses no matter how much it tried to treat all natures, scopes and sizes of businesses equally.

Small business owners usually find difficulties navigating their way to the top, at least online, as they compete with attention. These businesses typically work with a very limited budget. Gaining real traction in both organic and paid results can be daunting. Unlike those giants which seemed to dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs).

If you are a small business owner, what will you do? Don’t lose hope. Ever heard of barnacle SEO? Well, the idea behind such is easy to understand. Let’s take a look at what barnacle SEO is and what it can do to your business.

What is barnacle SEO

Barnacle SEO is not in its infancy. Will Scott coined the term in 2008 to replace a somewhat derogatory term ‘parasite SEO.’ Fundamentally, the concept relies with digital landscape reality wherein larger websites can rank high and obtain traffic while smaller sites often lag behind, getting lost on the sea of results.

Barnacle SEO, while most websites define it as a process, for yours truly, it is an opportunity to attach the smaller website to a larger website. We refer to Yelp, Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, Yellow Pages, Google+, Trip Advisor, etc. as larger websites. Smaller websites can use these sites as a necessary vehicle so they get noticed and included in the top spots of SERPs.

If someone will search for ‘SEO packages in Cebu,’ an independent site may not necessarily appear in the first page. However, a listing in Yellow Pages may make it on the first page. The independent site attaches itself to a large site thus improving the odds of being found.

Why become a barnacle

Barnacle SEO is mostly applicable to small businesses operating locally. It involves profile or business page optimization on well-trusted and high-ranking sites. This means small business owners like you just need a website – your own website – to make the strategy work for you. There is thereby the strategic fit with your limited digital marketing budget.

Barnacle SEO must be a staple of your local campaign. According to Search Engine Land, Google Hummingbird seemed to favor Yelp and other business directories. In another study, Yelp is a prominent result among mobile search queries wherein 37.3% of clicks go to the profile page in Yelp while 51.8% go to Yelp profile and category.

Sites like Yelp builds brand equity. The sites are well-known and oftentimes, only real businesses are listed on them. They also provide better answers. Consider this, users are looking for information about your business and these might be buried deep into the site (i.e. the Contact Us page). Unlike content listings that straightforwardly include operating hours, menus, amenities, etc.

Perhaps, this is also the reason Google ranks these sites high on SERPs as they provide better answers to queries. Business listings and directories are the big ships online, so you should barnacle on them.

How to become a barnacle

Before you can become a successful barnacle, you must know which sites you should be attaching yourself to. As you may know by now, not all sites are created equal and so are the larger sites. Some sites rank higher in specific industries.

Find the most applicable sites to attach yourself to. Start by doing a keyword search. Choose those sites with the most consistent results. Attach your site to these sites. Prioritize those sites that appear higher on SERPs when you search for a particular keyword.

Next, create a business profile on your chosen sites. Claim the profile as if it is the only business on your category or niche. Treat the profiles as an extension of your business. Rule of thumb: make sure that the information on all your profiles is accurate and consistent specifically the contact details. This is critical since a slight difference in the business address, for instance, can confuse Google and other search engines.

Take the time to upload images especially your company logo and others that show off the business like maps, galleries or menus. Some sites allow customization of the profile page. Make your profile appear like your own website. Think about visual branding. These are the major conversion points for your prospects.

Optimizing your profile to maximize the results is necessary. First, you need to submit your information in Google Places. A brief yet compelling description of the business must be apparent including a list of your product and service offerings. Include the basic info and the links to your website. Make sure that the links are working. Test them.

When creating business description copies, the SEO world is divided whether to optimize the description including keywords or not. Basically, small business opts for barnacle SEO because it cannot pay for high-competitive keywords. You may put your primary keywords on the description without being too blatant about it. Simply, integrate the keywords as organic as possible.

Majority of the sites welcome customer feedback. Encourage your customers to provide reviews and testimonials on the site. The review profile leverages your online presence and visibility especially on the results pages.

Barnacle SEO is processual which means results are not immediate. It will take a few weeks or even months before you can observe changes. However, the results are always worth the time, effort and (minimal) money that you have invested in it. Getting noticed may be hard at first. Barnacle SEO presents itself as a high-ROI strategy for small business. Leveling a playing field indeed!

To become a barnacle or not? This is the most pressing issue here. Anyhow, creating with the help of web companies in the Philippines is easier. Your concern should be providing real answers to your prospects when ranking high on search engines is difficult at the moment.

Caveat: There are SEO consultancy firms that can help you decide whether barnacle SEO is appropriate for your business or not. These firms can also provide you with options of strategies so your rank higher on SERPs on the price specifically created for small businesses.

Sources: Search Engine Journal | Search Engine Land | Moz

Search engines like Google love fresh and new content. As they aim to give their users the most relevant and latest results, their crawlers are always on a lookout for new pages on the web to discover and include in their indices.

How To Optimize Blog Content

Contents on a blog attract not just user traffic but those of the search engine spiders as well. Learn the secrets to optimizing your entries. Here are ten tricks to show you how.

1.       It’s all about quality, relevance and uniqueness. Keep them original. Pick trending topics in your industry and breaking news within your niche and you are guaranteed to reach SEO rankings in no time. Make sure that the knowledge you impart is useful and timely. Aim for write-ups that answer common questions or solve people’s problems. Avoid spinning articles for the purpose of quantity.

2.       Maximize snippets. Snippets are excerpts that describe your entire article. These brief descriptions are visible on the SERP. The more compelling and attention-grabbing they are, the higher the chance that visitors will click on the link, arrive at your site, and read the full entry.

3.       Use eye-catching titles. Your title is the first thing that grabs the users’ attention. Make it descriptive so that your audience need not second guess what the post is all about. Avoid over-optimization and inserting awkward words just for boost SEO score.

4.       Apply proper keyword placement and variation. The trick is positioning your key terms near your images to emphasize its importance. Employ varied anchor texts for maximum outcome.

5.       Keep the length standard. Ideal number of words range from 400 to 600. Make them concise and spot on.

6.       Integrate various media types on your posts. Do not be limited with just text. Upload original photos. Create video tutorials. Insert images, videos, infographic and podcasts to impress an interactive content.

7.       Take notice of timing and frequency. The secret lies on posting regularly – 3 to 4 times per week and timing them in where majority of your readers are online. As you do this, the opportunity to get your write-up shared tends to go a little higher too.

8.       Allow reverse guest posting. Coordinate with influential bloggers in your field and invite them to write something for your blog. The variety of tone on your posts not only charms new readers but it also increases your credibility as a good resource.

9.       Be mindful of errors. This pertains to wrong spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. Keep your content error-free.

10.   Use categories and tags. A tag makes it easier for your visitors and search engines to find a specific topic of interest. Hence, do not forget to include this at the end of each post.

Search engine optimization has gone far beyond getting as many links as you can for your website. With the many changes brought by the Google Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird, SEO strategies have evolved as well.

The focus nowadays is on quality content – as it should be. Although quality content has always been emphasized as the more permanent tool for optimizing your website, some SEO specialists worked around this with spammy content, keyword stuffing, and other black hat SEO strategies. With the changes that Google has made on its search algorithm, the spotlight is back on building good reputation within your site’s niche.

Here is where social media comes into play. Social media’s rise in popularity has made it a powerful medium for marketing. Somehow, it has also found a way to affect search engine optimization. Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media management programs. If you are more oriented towards SEO rather than social media marketing, is it worth your time to use Hootsuite? Below are some ways in which you can use Hootsuite to boost your SEO efforts.

  • Post to your Google+ business page. Google’s own social network, Google+, is quickly rising to be a serious challenger to becoming the most popular social network. Many businesses will benefit with a well-optimized Google+ business page especially with the increased importance of Google authorship. Hootsuite is a great application that can help make it easier for you to manage your Google+ business page. Hootsuite has the capability of posting to Google+ business pages so that you can quickly and conveniently post across all your social media accounts.
  • Post a link to your website through Twitter or Facebook. Two of the most popular social media networks are Twitter and Facebook. Hootsuite helps you utilize these social networks in promoting any content that you want to leverage on your website. This strategy has been proven to deliver significant traffic to web pages being linked to.
  • Get analytics reports. When you post links to your site through your social media accounts, you can then get insight on what works and what does not for your social media audience. Hootsuite has built in analytics reports that provide a lot of data into which posts are being clicked through, which posts are getting noticed, how many comments and shares particular posts are getting, and many more. These may not seem important at first, but the data from these reports will provide information on the topics that your target audience likes and what would stimulate high engagement.

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