All posts tagged Guaranteed SEO

50 Quotes to Inspire Great Teamwork

There’s a big difference between working alone and working on a team. For entrepreneurs, working with diverse people with different life and work experiences is an advantage. But unless leaders are committed enough to create an effective teamwork, the team will never get the desired outcome. Even an SEO company aims to form a strong team to work together to achieve a common goal, vision or project.

An effective teamwork is both simple and difficult at the same time. One thing that helps them is to be motivated and determined enough to achieve and have a guaranteed SEO for their clients. And to get you motivated, below are some quotes to inspire you to work on a great team.

  1. “Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek

  2. “Collaboration allows teachers to capture each other’s fun of collective intelligence.” – Mike Schmoker

  3. “The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.” – James Cash Penney

  4. “Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.” – John C. Maxwell

  5. “When you form a team, why do you try to form a team? Because teamwork builds trust and trust builds speed.” – Russel Honore

  6. “We talk a lot about hope, helping, and teamwork. Our whole message is that we are more powerful together.” – Victoria Osteen

  7. “The speed of the boss is the speed of the team.” – Lee Iacocca

  8. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

  9. “Teamwork makes the dream work.” – Bang Gae

  10. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

  11. “The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each member is the team.” – Phil Jackson

  12. “A successful team is a group of many hands and one mind.” – Bill Bethel

  13. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

  14. “Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” – Patrick Lencioni

  15. “I invite everyone to choose forgiveness rather than division, teamwork over personal ambition.” – Jean Francois Cope

  16. “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

  17. “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi

  18. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

  19. “None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard

  20. “To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one. You become selfless.” – Mike Krzyzewski

  21. “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth

  22. “Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they’re doing it because they care about the team.” – Patrick Lencioni

  23. “On our own, we are marshmallows and dried spaghetti, but together we can become something bigger.” – C.B Cook

  24. “Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” – Patrick Lencioni

  25. “The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals.” – Rensis Likert

  26. “We = power” – Lorii Myers

  27. “We’re a team. It’s part of our job to help each other out, and to forgive each other quickly. Otherwise, we’d never get anything done.” – Jeramey Kraatz

  28. “The second you make it all about you, is the second you’ve already lost. It’s about people – it always been and it always will be.” – Chris Hill

  29. “Progress has a steep price. Success has an even steeper price. Your team won’t be willing to pay it if you aren’t willing to pay it.” – T Jay Taylor

  30. “There is no need to tell someone how to do his job if you have properly trained your team.” – Dick Winters

  31. “Forget what we become; what matters is what we’ve become, and our potentials to overcome.” – Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel

  32. “Teamwork builds trust and the trust build growth.” – Nazim Ambalath

  33. “The individual great spirit and great efforts create a great team.” – Lailah Giffy Akita

  34. “You may have the right idea to work on, you may have the right time to start, you may have the right resources to boost, BUT unless you have the right people, you’ll never succeed.” – Rateb Rayyes

  35. “We all cannot do everything or solve every issue.”It’s impossible”, however, if we each simply do our part. Make our own contribution, regardless of how small we may think it is…together it adds up and great things get accomplished.” – Mark W. Boyer

  36. “Every successful start-up is built on four pillars. Team, idea, passion and representations.” – Aayush Jain

  37. “All are one unless and until they are asked to work together to achieve a noble goal one.” – Anuj Somany

  38. “Teamwork is so important that is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your capabilities or make the money that you want without becoming very good at it.” – Brian Tracy

  39. “Good teams incorportate teamwork into their culture, creating building blocks for success.” – Ted Sundquist

  40. “Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” – Ifeanyi Onuoha

  41. “The ration of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team.” – Lewis B. Ergen

  42. “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” – Napoleon Hill

  43. “A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of others.” – Norman Shidle

  44. “People achieve more as a result of working with others than against them.” – Dr. Allan Fromme

  45. “Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.” – Stephen Covey

  46. “The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” – Margaret Carty

  47. “A leader must inspire or his team will expire.” – Orrin Woodward

  48. “Bad attitudes will ruin your team.” – Terry Bardshaw

  49. “Everyone is needed, but no one is necessary.” – Bruce Coslet

  50. “With an enthusiastic team you can achieve almost anything.” – Tahir Shah

Final thoughts:

There’s nothing more effective than achieving success with your team. If you think that you’ve been slacking off lately, then you might want to go back to these quotes above to keep you inspired and motivated to do your work productively.

10 Laws of Productivity

“We often fool ourselves into thinking we are being productive when we are simply getting ready to get ready.”
-Intentionally Refined –

Let’s be clear on one thing: Productivity at work can never be achieved when you are not willing to cooperate. Whether you are aware of it or not, we all do procrastinate. Perhaps, we may not be noticed that we are already procrastinating since some of them are small. But mind you, these small things when frequently done, it will also give a great impact to your performance at work. How much more when you are working in an SEO Company? Slacking off is a no-no, to prevent receiving calls from disappointed clients. Procrastination is a struggle you need to beat!

But if you think that procrastination is the only reason why we can be productive, then you better think again. Our attitude towards our work also matters. When we tend to be passive, sluggish and lax, then we are also losing our productivity at work. And since we are already used to that attitude, it might be difficult for us to cope with the things around us such as meeting strict deadlines. Again, you do not want to entertain angry clients.

Productivity is a major factor at work. It gives a great impact to the growth of your one’s business. However, if you think that you or your employees are already slacking off, then you have to do something to prevent such. Below, we list down top ten laws of productivity that you might want to apply to your work or business.

1. Break the seal of hesitation

Whether you realize it or not, we tend to hesitate especially when we are not sure of the things that are going to happen next. Of course, we do not want to act impulsively that might pose risk to our business. However, this can also cause some delays in our plans. We tend to lose ourselves in planning (and dreaming) indefinitely. You should break the seal of hesitation and must challenge ourselves to take some action sooner rather than later. The minute you start acting, it will give you valuable feedback that will also help you refine your original idea.

2. Start small

Itis good to think big, especially when we already have a good concept on our mind. In fact, through thinking of a bigger idea, it can give us motivation to do and achieve such goal. However, there will always be some dangers when you tend to dwell on that “big idea” of yours. Achieve such would be impossible when you do not start from scratch. Perhaps, you can do some trial and error on your plan. One way or another, you will realize that there are flaws in it that you need to improve. With that, you will learn how to improve through your personal experiences.

3. Prototype, prototype, prototype

Every successful strategy will always have a plan. A trial and error is an essential part of any creative’s life. That simply means, you have to test each strategy whether or not it applies to reach a particular goal. If there are flaws in the process of planning, then you have to improve a particular tactic to achieve the outcome that you want. A prototyping and iteration is the key to transforming a so-so idea into an effective and successful outcome. Instead of being stuck on the failures, you have to move forward and try a new strategy to make it better.

4. Create simple objectives for projects, and revisit them                regularly

Whether you realize it or not, we usually have hundreds to thousands of ideas when it comes to a particular project – which leads to a bigger picture. However, if you want to have a higher possibility of success, then you need to create an objective what your project is all about. In this way, you will have a clearer view of the possible outcome.

5. Work on your project a little bit each day

When it comes to working on in-depth projects, it requires us to have a serious infusion of our creative skills – to develop an engaging business plan, or just learning a new skill. Having a momentum and the right focus is important to achieve a desirable output. But if you tend to do a serious project urgently without any assurance of success, you may not get the right result of a particular project. That simply means you have to make sure that whatever strategy you use, it should be the right one.

6. Develop a routine

Developing a routine is one way to ensure productivity at work. It is a part of being able to work on a specific project without any doing some other things that are not related to the project. Yes, having a routine can be dull and uninspiring, but it can create a founding for sparking true insight. Moreover, a routine is also helpful especially when it comes to strict deadlines to meet since there will be an assurance you will do that particular project.

7. Break big, long-term projects into smaller chunks or “phases.”

Whether you like it or not, you cannot achieve more major project when you don’t start with the smaller ones. That means you have to break the project into smaller phases for you to be able to accomplish each task faster and easier. This is also crucial when it comes to staying motivated and inspired to finish a particular project.

8. Prune away superfluous meetings (and their attendees)

There are activities such as unnecessary meetings that can drag down the productivity of one’s person. Perhaps, it is understandable why there are meetings. However, there should be a concrete reason as to why there is a meeting, and make sure that there is a clear objective on what the meeting is all about to prevent any delays with the projects.

9. Practice saying “No.’

It is nice to know that you can do anything for as long as it is related with the projected that is assigned to you. However, you also have to know that creativity is not infinite. To achieve a better outcome, you should be aware the right pacing when it comes to the tasks you are handling.

10. Remember that rules – even productivity rules – are made to be broken

Although you may have a daily routine of your work, always remember to be flexible enough when it comes to sudden changes. Your task would depend on the situation you are in. And whether you realize it or not, breaking habits offers a new perspective and helps you recharge to head back into the fray.

Image Source

Humans are without a doubt, the most visual creatures on earth. Nothing entices us more than anything that is pleasing to look at–eye candies if you may. In fact, the human brain processes images approximately sixty thousand times faster than ordinary written text.  Now, here’s a fact that may blow you away: We retain only about ten percent of what we hear and twenty percent of what we read and a whopping eighty percent of what we see. Now, should you be a wise digital marketer, you would find ways to creatively exploit this human quirk or trait.

Suppose you are an online marketing agency specializing in link building services, this fact alone should send idea pings and signals to your head. As it is, most, if not all digital marketers would want their content seen and above all, shared. For social media specialists and marketers, this means one thing: Peppering your posts with eye-popping images would almost guarantee you more shares as more shares denote better engagement. In fact, it has been shown that visual content largely dominates social media, much more than written text. By now, you should have an idea of just how significant the usage of images is, but as there is profusion and a multitude of options when it comes to images, it begs the question: What sort of images should you use?

Well, a recent survey has shown that despite the influx of videos, infographics and illustrations lately, people would still prefer the classic take by reading posts laden with a variety of photographs.  However, if you include animated gifs into the mix, then photographs pale in comparison as animated graphics seems to dominate the charts when it comes to the total social shares by blog post image type. Instagram and Twitter already has an avenue for animated gifs to be played, while Tumblr has always been littered with posts teeming with animated gifs. It seems that only until recently Facebook was left out of the loop. But late last year, the social media juggernaut has finally allowed GIFS to be playable in their news feed making this image type a formidable contender in being the preferable image platform.  As bloggers and content writers, this is a welcome opportunity for you to widen the scope of making your posts more engaging.


By utilizing GIFS, your audience is not limited to seeing stills and photos nor are they constrained to watch a video. This makes the image platform a welcome compromise to the dilemma of wanting to watch a video without the lengthy interval as gifs are relatively short and quick to view—nothing more than a few seconds of your audience’s time. And that is not all; GIFS are quite easy to use as finding the appropriate one for your post does not take much of your effort other than scanning through available and existing gifs in which is offered for free. However, should you not find anything suitable; you can easily create one for your own with the online tool Quite easy to use, very straightforward and engaging, these attributes are precisely why gifs have been dominating social media platforms all over the web.


You may think that utilizing illustrations is a bit old-school and outdated. Although this may be true, it is unbeknownst to most, illustrations give your content, blogs and posts that personal feel that would give your readers the impression that you considered giving your write-ups enough effort to go the extra mile of making them a lot more personalized and detailed. Additionally, personalized illustrations guarantee your posts a sense of peculiarity and inimitability at some degree. Graphs made by excel will never be at par to graphs made with artistic skill and given a touch of personality. How is this achieved? Simple, you utilize your own handwriting and your own skills in drafting graphs. You do not need to be in possession of calligraphy skills and artistic panache, but you do need to make sure your handwriting and drawings are understandable enough to your readers. Your sketches may look nothing more than doodles to you, but you can be assured that they attract and hold the attention of your readers and since they are created by hand rather than by a machine, it gives the illustration a certain edge above the others.

Apart from illustrations giving your posts a personalized color, it also allows the poster for humor to pervade his or her post. Let us face it, humor can hardly be achievable with rigidly stiff lines and graphs drawn on excel. Squiggly lines and haphazardly drawn graphs are incomparable to computer generated shapes and charts.


Utilization of infographics is the powerhouse of content with substantial information. Though, it is not as effective as it used to be, it is still shareable content that will still stomp the competition. Infographics are quite difficult to make and requires quite a bit of time, but it is possible to make them and still have your message conveyed. There is a multitude of infographic creation tools online, but there are three creation tools that are a cut above the rest. These are:

*Canva- Canva is the well-known image creator and image editor for the web. People who have no design skills will still be able to create attractive graphics fast.

*Google Charts- Although, you would still need to save the charts to use them as pieces for your infographic, Google offers you one of the best free infographic tools available.

* If you want an infographic generator that is teeming with options, then should be your choice as it offers more options for free than most of its competitors.  Additionally, it’s built-in sharing functionality and ease of use makes this the prime choice for bloggers and content writers who want to insert infographics into their posts.


Though you can use photos randomly generated by stock photos or searched for in search engines, using your own photos guarantees your post a degree of authenticity and originality. However, as not all of us are gifted with a photographer’s eye, this is easier said than done. Should you have top notch standards for visual content, it is best if you consider hiring a professional photographer—one whose works are in line and appropriate for the type of content you generate. If this is not an option, use your smartphone and just give it your best attempt. In any case, your photographs may look like they have been taken by an amateur, they are still far better than photos collected from stock photos.

In conclusion…

If you want compelling content that would be shared and re-shared by your audience, let them feast their eyes on something other than a big block of text. Creating inspired images does not have to be expensive as you can even do it with a simple sketch achieved through a pencil or through an online free software such as Canva.

So, fellow bloggers and content writers, let your words paint a literal picture for you by utilizing various platforms in images. It will certainly do wonders for your SEO, and it will do wonders in granting you wide readership.

Sneaky Techniques That Hurt Your SEO

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO, for brevity) is not dead. No matter what the critics may say — SEO remains as a powerful marketing strategy with the majority of SEO companies offering link building services guarantee results. However, SEO is not as straightforward and as easy as many of us wants it to be.


More often than not, even SEO specialists themselves will encounter a few kinks and bumps down the road, resulting into a very frustrating workflow. So, what do stressed and frustrated SEO specialists do? They resort to shortcuts.


Underhanded and offensive shortcuts at that with hopes that these black hat techniques would get them roughly the same results as the legitimate techniques, only with lesser hassles and stresses. However, this is not exactly the best way to optimize your website. In spite of giving you substantial and fast results, it may very well be the main cause of your website’s death. Sure, it’s fast, easy and it gives you the desired results, but it is rarely worth it.


Many might think that black hat SEO is a thing of the past, but this is a very common misconception. Black hat SEO still remains as one of the most obnoxious ways to garner website traffic. However, due to specific circumstances, SEO specialists are pushed to implementing these black hat techniques. Some choose the lesser evil which are gray hat techniques.


This post aims to make you aware of the many underhanded methods that website owners and even optimization experts may utilize to game Google’s ranking system. Though each of these may sound incredibly enticing, the implementation of any of these would inevitably result in being penalized by Google. Yes, Google will know that you are intentionally being deceptive. The post categorizes these techniques into three, ranging from bad to the extremely terrible and will give you samples for each proffered category.




These strategies are tricky and stealthy. You may be using them unwittingly with the misplaced notion that they are not hurting rankings. They are not done deliberately and can temporarily increase rankings.


1.)    Keyword stuffing


Sure, you managed to craft content that is both rich in information and compelling. However, at a second glance, you would see that it is rich in something else as well – keywords. And by that, it would mean that almost every line of your post is literally laced with a keyword or keyphrase. This may get you ranked. However, nowadays, it’s not as effective. Keyword utilization is still necessary and beneficial, but writing excellent content that offers rich themes and substantial information should be a priority rather than keyword density.


2.)    Keyword stuffing your image tags


Some SEO people, especially the inexperienced ones, utilize this technique. Those who did this has a misguided notion that since nobody is minding their images, they might as well stuff it with keywords. However, this misconception should be debunked. Though this will not result into any sort of penalty, it would be a challenge to your visually-impaired visitors and will not do anything good for your on-page SEO.


3.)    Guest blogging for the sole purpose of link building


In building your brand and expanding your reach, this seems like a necessary  action. But take caution as guest blogging on irrelevant sites just to gain links is             never okay. This could potentially get you in trouble more so because the mantra nowadays is earning editorial links.




These are the techniques you are very well-aware are not so acceptable. However, for the sake of page rankings and favorable web traffic, you are willing to look the other way. These are the techniques that might cause an initial increase, but take heed; you will eventually have to face the consequences.


1.)    Using irrelevant keywords in order to rank


There are days wherein we need to produce topnotch contents. However, there are also days wherein we could not find relevant themes to fit the barrage of keywords we are given for the week. So what do some optimizers do? They utilize them anyway. This is one of the shortcuts that marketers do for the sole purpose of ranking for those keywords. Unfortunately, Google has been sharpened its algorithms to identify a page’s real topic through Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). So, using this otherwise unacceptable technique is moot anyway.


2.)    Meta keyword stuffing


Over-optimizing your Meta keywords does not hold any real consequences, but it does not do much either as it would not give you any sort of advantage in terms of rankings. The same can be said for your Meta description. Though Google would not use the content of your description as a ranking factor, it serves as your ad copy in the SERP’s. So, with that in mind, make sure you craft the meta description in such a way that it describes your page accurately, enticingly and appealingly.


3.)    Irrelevant footer links


Footer links are extremely necessary for helping visitors navigate your site. However, there are some sites which utilize footers but not necessarily aimed at helping users. They do it so they will garner more rankings for their keywords. Keep in mind that if you are indeed providing a link in your footer, make sure it is actually useful for your visitors. Do not do it for ranking purposes.




You are well aware that this is wrong, but you do it anyway. You are enticed by the easy rankings and you just cannot help it. A word of warning though. This is going to get you penalized. Best case scenario would be you preparing to receive a manual penalty. However, there could also be a complete de-indexing of your site.  


1.)    Baiting then switching


In a nutshell, this involves waiting for a page to rank, then stealthily replacing it with a different page. This will get you irrelevant ranking for a while, but nothing bypasses Google. They will eventually figure this strategy out. You may see this as getting ranking, but it would also send your bounce rates through the roof. Thus, this is hardly worth the risk.


2.)    Doorway pages


These are pages crafted for the purpose of intentionally getting a keyword ranked by merely diverting visitors to a different page in the process. Doorway pages offer little to no content at all and often result in many useless pages, taking up all the top rankings for a given keyword.


3.)    Invisible text


As archaic and obsolete this strategy may be, it is still rather rampant and happens rather regularly. What happens here is that webmasters would disguise keywords on a certain page by matching the text color to the background. In some instances, they position the text off the screen using CSS, making it only visible to search engines.


In closing…


There are a lot more black hat techniques including link schemes that are not covered by this article. However, we have glossed over some of the most common strategies that are still surprisingly utilized today despite being corrupt.  Always take into consideration that these techniques may increase your traffic and give your keywords ranking in the short-term. But, more likely than not, it would damage not only your rankings but your reputation as well in the long-term.


And are you really willing to take that risk just for the sake of doing things easier and faster? I think not.

Top SEO Faux Pas

seo faux pas

In these current times, websites are no longer considered a luxury, it is a fact that they are now a necessity. Websites  are vital to the growth of a business in nearly all industries to remain competitive. And because of this, SEO (search engine optimization) strategists have come up with various ways to stay on top of the business. This may involve optimization that offers link building services and would grant you guaranteed SEO.

So, you have created impactful, information rich, compelling and great engaging content. You value the necessity of responding to a reader and customer feedbacks are an extreme boon for the existence of your website. You make essential adjustments, use correct header tags, utilize and source images legally and write attention grabbing headlines. You have managed to do everything in your capacity and to your knowledge. This should all have been efficacious in giving you exemplary results, right? But you may wonder, what are you still doing wrong?

It may have escaped your attention, but you may have been adopting increasingly aggressive marketing tactics that are more likely to harm your website visibility in search engines instead of helping it. You may be doing this in a misguided attempt at getting more views and in an injudicious competitive spirit. Shall you continue doing so, your website visibility will most likely tank in the long run.

If you think you may have, this article helps you become aware of it. Check the list below and see if you are committing any of the said SEO cardinal faux pas.

  1. Keyword Over-Optimization

Before the advent of Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithms, overuse of keywords (otherwise known as “keyword stuffing”) was a common practice. Yet website owners rarely experienced any adverse ramifications over this. Today however, search engines have become increasingly complex and Google, in particular, is continuously tweaking and altering its algorithms to reward content that is high in quality while penalizing low-quality content.

Nowadays, stuffing a page with keywords in an attempt to make it rank higher for those phrases is not only ineffectual and impractical, but it will tank you rankings as well. This is not only an example of an ineffective tactic that may have negative repercussions but should this particular tactic be identified by Google’s Panda algorithm, the website may be subsequently removed from Google’s search results.

  1. Insufficient and Infrequent Content

Keeping website content short and sweet may have been the primary focus for years. Recently however, this focus has shifted. The current trend among search engines is that they prefer pages with information-rich, in-depth and compelling content. Should a search engine encounter a page without so much content, it would potentially conclude that this page is low in quality. These contents are considered “thin contents,” ensuing to less visibility in search results.

Publish quality, valuable, informative and relevant content in order to ensure that your website remains competitive today. Generally, articles that include properly-formatted images and videos tend to rank better in search engines, have higher engagement with readers and get shared more in social media.

Google wants to display content in its search results that people will appreciate and like. So give your website a closer inspection and see if anyone would really love it. If not, remove the offending content or combine it with other content to create something better that would be valuable and shareable.

Apart from sufficient and compelling content, a lot of website owners do not quite understand just how essential consistency and frequency is when it comes to content publication. Succinctly put, there is a definitive link between publication frequency and search engine rankings.

  1. Broken Links

“Broken link” is the term given to a hyperlink that no longer redirects you to its intended destination. This is rather cumbersome for readers who were already won over by your lengthy spiel and your promise to deliver. Furthermore, it makes your site unreliable as well.

Sites naturally accumulate broken links but this can be a major nuisance to your visitors and Google does not appreciate them either. But if they are supposedly natural, why would Google penalize you for them? Well, the simple reason is that bad links will earn you a bad reputation which would cause a ripple effect. Online, people or businesses with adverse reputations are not viewed as authorities on anything.

And along with that, Google downgrades rankings on sites with many issues such as this. So clean up your site and make sure broken links are remedied.

  1. Unnatural Link Building

A common mistake among website owners is having the misguided impression that buying links is a speedy and effective way to boost their site’s search engine rankings. While quantity and quality of inbound links are a major factor in the search ranking algorithm, unnatural inbound links can trigger devastating penalties on your website.

Fact is, Google has been rather clear regarding their stance when it comes to the purchase of links. Simply put, Google does not like it and are quick to punish any site found to be building unnatural links. The bottom line is learning how to build your links naturally.

  1. Building Too Many Links on Your Homepage

A website would look contrived if it only links back to the homepage. One of your SEO goals should you want results is to make the backlinks profile look as natural as possible. A lot of online businesses get too excited about ranking their homepage, making them forget to build backlinks to other pages.

Instead of building hundreds of links to your homepage, you should split these links to your blog posts as well. This factor would make your website rank better in Google.


To conclude…

Managing a website along with a business is not exactly an easy feat and it is extremely time-consuming. Furthermore, with the added responsibility of keeping up with changes in the SEO industry, it is rather difficult to keep up with the changes in the SEO industry. It is also difficult for business owners to have a clear idea of what to do when it comes to implementing a good SEO campaign. It might be easy to understand why business owners commit these mistakes, but it does not excuse them all the time. By now, business owners should exercise more caution and be more proactive in the pursuit of beneficial SEO techniques.

“What are you going to do after hitting the “Publish” button?” – That is one of the crucial questions that you are about to face. Indeed, it is! Since we all know that publishing and posting a certain article would definitely not be the end of the process in having a guaranteed SEO, taking a step further can help us reach a particular goal in the marketing industry.

Spending hours on a particular content, and posting it on the web to help other people in giving out information is a rewarding thing to do, especially when you know that your target market engages with it. That is one of the reasons why we continue to make and post one every day. However, rewarding as it may seem, there are instances when we also spend some of our time thinking on what to do next after hitting the “publish” button.

Aside from merely publishing your content, there are 6 simple strategies that you can do to have a successful blog post. Generally, these strategies are all effective when you know what and how to do it.


1.  Answer all comments

Most bloggers and marketers, if not all, would not care letting their readers leave a comment. For as long as they have posted something, then they are done. Nope! This is a fallacy.

Bloggers or marketers have to admit! It is not easy to make people leave a comment on your post. However, for some reasons, making your target audience react or engage by leaving comments can make your blog look more authoritative, which also makes it as a social proof. The more good and satisfying comments you get, the more people would also engage to your posts. Also, they can stir an interesting idea for your next content.

Whether you like it or not, you can’t control what kind of reviews they are going to give you. That is why as much as possible, you have to acknowledge and answer their comments in a right and informative way.

2. Schedule your promotions

The promotion of your content plays a big role in creating and having high quality traffic on your post. Without doing so, your content will be stagnant and perhaps, forgotten. Promoting your content constantly is important as publishing your post since it drives new traffic every time you share it socially.

One way you can track the promotions of your content is to make a to-do list or a timeline on what social media platform you will be using on a specific day, week or month. When sharing on Twitter for example, you have to share it more than once in its first day, and a few times throughout the next few weeks.

Moreover, in order for you to drive more traffic, choose a social media platform that can help you gain quality traffic on your post. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and LinkedIn are some of the social platforms that can help you with your promotions.


3. Email the world

Aside from sharing your content in social media platforms, another way to promote your content is through emails. This is one of the reasons why you need to build your email list now. Your followers and subscribers will automatically receive the email that you have sent. Of course, these are the ideal people that will most likely engage in your emails.

Promoting your content through emails is simple, and it works. Basically, you have to include the link that will direct them to your post. You don’t need to include complicated themes or templates every time you use the email.  With the right composition of your content, you can definitely drive new traffic in your emails alone.

Moreover, you can also include a call-to-action. You can ask your followers to comment on the new post or share it on their respective social media accounts. In that way, your content will be disseminated all throughout social media.


4. Call in favors

Asking some favors from your followers is also one thing that can add traffic to your post. However, asking them to share your post can may also sound demanding. Sometimes, we feel embarrassed to email them and ask their help when we don’t even know their works.

The problem is, most bloggers or marketers would accept your favor if there is something that you do in return. Let’s take your content for example, if you link their name, brand or a particular quote coming from them, they will also feel obliged to return the favor to you, by sharing or mentioning you and your posts in their content as well.

That is why, it is also important to let them know that you have included or mentioned them on your content. Obviously, not everyone that you have asked will share your post, but many will.


5. Take advantage of groups

An online group is a great place to connect with people, and joining one is a great opportunity to share your content. Basically, joining groups gives you the chance to share any of your contents since there are no restrictions when it comes to post counts. Your reputation in the group is based more on your recent contribution and on how active are you socially.

There are actually a lot of groups that you can join with, but first, you have to make sure to find the best groups to join. You can join in LinkedIn groups and meet hundreds to thousands of professional bloggers and marketers, know who else have the same interest as you do in your Facebook groups, and accumulate followers in your Twitter account.

These are just some of the groups that you can take advantage of. Do not just stay on a particular blog without doing something. Extend your niche by joining groups.


6. Social Media

When we talk about publishing and promoting our content, having it on social media is our first priority. Where else? We usually think of which effective social media platforms are we going to utilize, what kind of strategy are we going to follow to have a successful blog post and gather high quality traffic, and on how to get our target audience’s attention.

Considering these concerns, it will always start and end with social media. That is why, choosing the right social media platform to use is as important as your content. You do not just post it anywhere and let your target market struggle in finding your content. As much as possible, make your content visible to every social media platform. With that, you will definitely gain high quality traffic on your posts.

Having a lot of ideas in mind can be overwhelming. It sometimes makes us feel excited to write down what we have in our minds. It also motivates us to accomplish the things that are the products of our ideas. Yet sometimes, creating new and engaging write-ups for your audience can be daunting, especially when the instruction is to achieve guaranteed SEO results.

You might wonder why you just can’t get the desired outcome regardless of how effective your strategy is. And based on the results of your traffic, it may be frustrating to think that sometimes your ideas you have poured all your efforts into just won’t work. Not just frustrating, but it is also disappointing to you and your audience.

There are actually a lot of reasons you sometimes fail to deliver strategic SEO. Perhaps, you might already know that there is something lacking or missing when you created the idea. Perhaps, that’s something that you missed is the most important part of creating a good SEO strategy.

Let me just help you in remembering those points. So that. You won’t end up with crappy ideas that you must not publish in the first place since your audience will not read them anyway.

1. Do you forget the why, or the real impact your idea will have?

Not all SEO copywriters will not admit to this, but sometimes, we tend to forget the importance of the content. We often forget the basics such as how your content may impact your readers. At times, we forget how interesting an article may be to them. The failure to create an interesting and engaging content may lead to fewer visitors on your site. Not to mention, the bounce rate when your readers are not satisfied with what they’ve read.

Knowing what interest your readers is always a plus. Who knows, but you can also extract new ideas from the process and from your readers themselves. It is just a matter on how attentive you are when it comes to the interests and preferences of your readers. You have to be keen and observant enough on how they approached every topic that you make. When it doesn’t give much impact to them, then change it to a much better one that resonates more with them.

2. Do you give up too easily?

When you do SEO, the things that make us discouraged are always around us. For instance, when we heard or read a bad feedback on our site on how poor your ideas are and on how uninteresting and less engaging your site is. These are one of the things that frustrates us and which leads us to despair. When we feel discouraged, we tend to give up easily. We feel frustrated on the outcomes of our ideas, leading to implementing poor SEO strategies that only hurt the website some more.

Turning your dismay into something noteworthy such as challenging ourselves to do better may not be easy. This is so true when our emotions are high. What we don’t realize is that putting our passion and interest on our ideas can create one unique, interesting and engaging idea for our readers. It is really up to you whether you will entertain the thought or not.

3.     Do you skip experimentation?

Coming up with the most engaging idea is not a guarantee that your next SEO strategy will be as successful as the previous ones. When you have an idea and used it over and over again, your readers will be dismayed on how lousy your site is. All they want is to see a new site which will grab their interest.

Experiment. Change the things that make your site plain and boring. Or, you can even have an interactive activity on your site that you think your visitors will really like and appreciate. Do things that make your site unique, so it will stand out from the rest. Try new things and observe how each works.

Better yet, you can also diversify your ideas based on the ideas of your competitors. Observe what they usually do to have an engaging site Grab that chance and make your own strategy out of it. It is not a bad thing after all, for as long you made your own unique SEO strategy.

 4. Do you lack interest personally?

Generally, doing SEO and coming up a new SEO strategy takes a lot of our time, yes? Such a demanding task, it requires a lot of thinking about how to make your audience satisfied with your site and what you publish in it. In some instances, we just can’t achieve the desired outcome because the strategies that we have in mind are just too difficult to implement. Or so we thought.

Doing SEO requires patience. It doesn’t work out overnight. You have to think what piques the curiosity of your readers the most. When you think that your ideas won’t create a good outcome, then you have to think of another strategy that your audience will surely love. Or, you can even improvise new ideas out of your previous strategy. Put simply, draw inspiration from your previous ideas to have a uniquely new SEO strategy.

5.     Do you overdo it?

When you have overwhelming ideas flowing through your mind, you would  want to put them on your site.  However, visitors definitely hate it when the site that they visited is overly done. Your ideas might be good, but not good enough for other people. Putting unnecessary things on your site can sometimes annoy them more so when your website is not very user-friendly.

Knowing how to control and organize your ideas is a must for you not to overdo it and not overwhelm your readers. You have to identify the things that are important and must be included to make it easier for your visitors and readers to comprehend your website in one viewing as well as understand your contents. You have to think what your audience would like and would not like to see when they visit your visit. Most importantly, make it simple and accessible for them to stay (meaning: dwell) on your site.

Guaranteed and sustainable SEO means having high-quality traffic on your website. It all starts with an idea though. As much as possible, try to avoid these situations.

SEO Guide: How to Do SEO on Your Own

Can we? Really?

It is a must for every digital marketer to know how important a guaranteed SEO is and what it can do for our website. Without it, it is just impossible for any website to improve its ranking on search engines.

There are digital marketers who want to do SEO on their own, which raises also a lot of questions. Is it possible and legal to do SEO on our own? Is it doable? Are we still going to achieve the desired page ranking for our website if we do SEO ourselves?

Yes, you can!

Despite its inherent risks, doing SEO by yourself is completely doable and it has advantages, too. Well, if you have brilliant strategies on how you can make your website rank above any other websites, then why not?!

Point is, doing the basics of SEO is advantageous enough than not doing them at all. Here are some of the SEO basics that I am talking about.

Create blog posts

Start by creating blog posts, but publishing blog posts doesn’t just mean writing. You write for your readers with the goal of making them informed on the things that they need to know and understand about a certain topic or niche.

Creating a good and engaging blog post is important for your website to rank on the top of Google and other search engines. And when you create a captivating blog posts, you are grabbing the people’s attention. You caught their interest and hopefully, they will explore your website further than the homepage.

There are elements that make a blog post more successful. An interesting headline is one of these elements. Of course, the content itself must be informative. Always be attentive to the things that can grab the online user’s attention. Know the trendy topics and use them as your leverage for engaging people in your blog posts.

Another key to engagement is making your content as simple and comprehensible as possible to the extent that your reader would easily understand what your topic is all about. Remember KISS? Keep it simple and don’t leave your readers confused.

Build a social presence

As a digital marketer, there will always be the need for you to be active socially. You have to know what interest your target audience, so that you will have an idea on how to properly address their levels of engagement while they are on your site. Paying attention to the reader’s needs is always a plus on your side as a digital marketer or as a blogger if you are more comfortable calling yourself as such.

To engage socially, it means interactive by sharing about a new article on the sites wherein the majority of the target consumers can see and relate to it. Interacting also means liking and sharing other interesting articles that people want to read. Don’t hesitate to share other company’s content. After all, the engagement is directed to your site and not on your competitors’. The more interesting the contents you share, the more people will share them.

As much as possible, do not neglect your public’s suggestions or opinions. Try to engage in a conversation when needed. Say thank you to them when they give a good feedback about your brand, staff, product or service. Appreciation can further boost their interest in your company and it what it offers and does.

Attend to the needs of the people as your customers. Politely accepting their bad feedback and trying to improve the part wherein they are not satisfied is also one way of making the people interact more with your site. Create a rapport between you and them as your customers. That’s the bottom-line.

Look for guest blogging opportunities

It is a good opportunity when you try to guest post on different websites or blogs. Publishing your article on their website can escalate your own website’s viewership due to the viewership of that site you intend to submit a guest post or article. Of course, you have to be very careful in choosing the website to post your articles.

When shortlisting sites that allow guest posting, try to look for a website that has high-quality traffic. You also have to make sure that the website you are going to publish your article is related to your topic. There are thousands of related websites that allow article submission. Unfortunately, not all of these sites accumulate the appropriate traffic volume and ranking results.

Monitor your account

It is a must to monitor the viewership of your website or blog. By doing this, you can track the performance of your website traffic and ranking-wise.

There are actually two monitoring tools that you can use. These are Google Analytic and Authority Labs. These tools can help you. Without any of these, it will be difficult for you to know the status of your website.

Specifically, the tool helps in finding out how your visitors locate your website. Google Analytics, for instance, also identifies what keywords are most used by your visitors. As you dig deeper into the demographics of your visitors, you will be able to identify what kinds of people are mostly visiting your site and from where. In simpler terms, the tools will help you to evaluate your website’s traffic flow whether it is gaining more and more visitors or not.

With all the statistics that the tools made available to their users, you may conveniently take note of what needs to be changed or improved in your website or your strategy, in general.

Monitoring plays a big part in improving your website or blog’s ranking on the results pages. That is why you have to be very keen when it comes to the status of your website and the improvements that need to be done.

These are just the SEO basics that you can do on your own. By following the practical tips noted above, there is no reason why your SEO will not be successful. There will always be a caveat though. Doing SEO by yourself is risky. If you have the knowledge or capacity to do it then, you may hire an SEO consulting service. Just make sure that the SEO consultant that you are about to consult is credible enough to do the SEO successfully for you not to regret hiring it.

Having a guaranteed SEO and making your blog rise to the top rank in the search engine would definitely not be the end of the process of making your blog be known to the people. Keeping and maintaining your blog traffic would also be your duty to gain more readers that would engage in your blog posts.

Leaving your blog without maintaining its traffic is very risky especially when your blog post is already on the top rank on the search engine. You also have to consider thousands of bloggers who would love to have your rank and replacing it with theirs. You definitely would not allow this, would you?

Keeping and maintaining your blog traffic and making sure that the viewership of your blog posts are increasing would be a challenge. It is challenging since you have to consider the other things that readers would engage and must be engaged in while reading your blog. Not just viewing, but staying and reading your blog posts and then, interacting with the posts and other people who have read and interacted with your posts.

As bloggers, by profession or hobby, there are some points to ponder when you want to keep and maintain high-quality traffic on your blogs. And, here are some things you can do to make sure that your blog ranking would surely stay on the top.

Determine other blog topics or posts that are generating traffic constantly

Be mindful that that there are a lot of bloggers who also generates good traffic on their blogs. As a blogger, you also have to be observant on how other bloggers successfully generate and maintain good traffic. When you feel like your blog still needs more improvement, you have to act accordingly. Change the content  angles, for instance, to make your blog more noticeable.

You do not just observe, but you also have to identify and determine other bloggers that are capable of bringing high-quality traffic to your blog. Involve and mention them on your blog post, too. In that way, you are building a relevant support page that target the same search term and internally link to it.

Including quality links on your blog post can help enhance the visibility of your blog. Improving and constantly updating your blog for the better is also one way of maintaining and increasing convert-ready traffic on your blog. With this said, you have to know which blogs can help increase your traffic and which blogs do not offer any help.

Make the most of your marketing’s momentum

With all the efforts that you have been putting on your blog, there will be a time when your blog traffic will suddenly rise. It is best that you have to immediately identify the major source that boosts such traffic so that, you can have the same and better amount of traffic in the future when you need them on your blog.

There is a big possibility that the previous blog posts that you have mentioned in more current posts, for marketing purposes will receive page visits for the second time and most likely be liked and shared again. Don’t feel tired in giving compliments to the other bloggers. Since they will also voluntarily link your blog posts on their blog posts  and vice versa. That is the beauty when you have created a good rapport with other bloggers which also gives you a lot of blogging and rank-increasing opportunities. More about this on the latte part.

Always stay on the reader’s satisfaction

Constantly updating and improving your blog is a key factor here. Informing and making the readers happy and satisfied is your duty as a blogger. People usually depend on the information that you give. When they feel that you, as a blogger can be trusted when it comes to the things that you have already imparted to them, they will come back for more. They will do so for future reference.

Put simply, the more interested people are in your site, the higher the page rank your page will be. That is why satisfying your readers should be your number one priority. It is true they say that you have to write for your readers and not the bots.

Link out to influential people through socially engaging content

There are a lot of influential people out there who are mostly active in blogging that can also help publicized your blog. How? By linking them to your contents, involving them on your topic can attract other bloggers who are also aware of the influence of the blogger or topic you mentioned in your post.

Since most influential people are active in blogging, there are most likely to share your blog on various social media platforms that they have a direct and indirect control of. There is also a big chance that your blog will be seen and shared by the other influential bloggers in their respective social sites. With that, it will help your blog’s visibility in the search engine and any other social channels.

How can you do this more specifically? There are actually a lot of ways on how you can link or mention them on your topic. Influential people often publishes words of wisdom that may fit your topic; you can also quote them as your reference while using their own words. Or, you can also mention them by linking their blog post which discussed something related to your topic.

Network with other blogs

Mentioning and linking influential people or bloggers is not enough, you also have to create and build a good rapport to other bloggers as well. Put simply, involve other bloggers in your posts. Always remember that showing a good attitude and gratitude to other bloggers reflects your personality as an individual blogger. Starting and building a good conversation and sharing insights to the other bloggers will be an advantage on your part.

The question now is how you can effectively network with other bloggers? You can build a good connection with commenting or leaving a good remark on the comment section or even in their personal emails. Giving those compliments on how they are keeping up the good work, on how informative the contents are and how they can let the readers engaged with their topic work well in the blogosphere.

These simple acts encourage other bloggers to make their own work better than the previous one. With that, they will have a good reason to visit and explore your blog and more likely to share your blog posts on their site or any other social sites.

To make sense of it all, guaranteed SEO in this context refers to gaining, keeping and increasing high-quality traffic on your blog. Traffic come and go, but convert-ready traffic is sure hard to come by. Above are some of the strategies that bloggers like you may implement to secure their post in the top of the results pages.

Aside from making our business grow and gaining profit from it, making it known to the people is also one of our main goals. Firms have their own strategies, processes and strategies on how to build awareness for their products and services. However, other businesses seek SEO consulting services so that their business would be at the top of even the leading firms in their respective industries.

As a business owner and marketer, you may think of various strategies. There might be other people in your company who may have other ideas. However, implementing an SEO strategy will definitely help you with your goals especially if you are just planning to launch your website or integrate corporate blog to your current site.

When hiring an SEO provider, the earlier the better. These consultants will give and help in managing your website as well as making your site placed on the top rank in the search engine. Now, here are some of the core services that any consultant can offer.

SEO consultants review the content structure

Before launching your website, an SEO consultant will review and make sure that the planned contents of your site is engaging enough for the people to read and stay longer on the site and its pages. They will not let you launch your site when you are still not sure about what the content of the page will be about and more so, of the quality of the contents of each page.

SEO consultants will make sure that everything is written clearly and coherent enough for the people to grasp what the company wants to impart to them.

In terms of the content structure, the SEO consultants will make sure that the structure itself is reader-friendly. The contents should be easy to read from the standpoint of the visitors.

SEO consultants develop an engaging content

One of the duties of an SEO consultant is to create and develop engaging and informative contents for your website. They have to know and understand what your company is about for them to write contents that people will love to know about.

Creating highly-engaging contents for your business may be a difficult task for you. Even when you know your product offerings by heart and yet you don’t know the right words to say, you will still struggle. But when you consider hiring an SEO professional, he or she will make the work easier for you and your company.

SEO consultants know just how to grab the attention of the users with the right headlines, for instance, making the people read and dwell on the site. So, why don’t you just let the creative do their job of making great contents for your site?

SEO consultants manage online business development campaigns

SEO consultants don’t just engage your target users, they will also make sure that your website will be one of the top rank searches in the search engine. They will strategize to establish your brand online. For instance, they will put advertisements on other websites through the use of specific tools. Yes, these consultants are knowledgeable of the advanced SEO tools.

Without any online campaigns, for instance, it is categorically impossible to introduce your brand, products, services or even your website to the online consumers. Everyone seems to be connected to the Internet nowadays, and technologies make it easier for us – online marketers – to put our brand where the most number of people can see it.

SEO consultants ensure strong keyword research

Having a strong keyword structure is an advantage because people will easily find your website. The stronger and less competitive your keywords are, the more people will visit your site, clicking and reading the contents of your site. This is particularly true when the keyword fits on what exactly they are looking for.

Strong keywords can also help your website be rank higher, if not highest, on the results pages. That is, if you are using keywords that people usually use when searching with which SEO experts can also help you with. Again, they are using updated tools in finding business-relevant keywords.

SEO consultants specialize in specific markets and geographies

Have you heard of local SEO? Some of these consultants are also experts in specific markets or geographies. This is critical for companies that provide services to the locals such as dental offices, plumbing providers, carpet cleaning services, hair salons, etc. These are the companies that cater to the need of their immediate consumers.

These consumers are buying or engaging in your business. You have to know what specific target market you want to advertise or sell your products to. Of course, you need to know who among these people are into your products too to better provide them with the right products and better serve them.

When you know who and where you want to sell your products, it is easier for you to circulate and expand your businesses, right?

Finally, SEO consultants are trained and experienced

Not all SEO companies can be trusted. If you have issues trusting your company to just any consulting services, you are not alone. Perhaps, you are afraid of being scammed and your business and reputation might be at risk.

With this, you really need to find well-trained, highly-skilled and well-experienced SEO providers. Make sure that the consultant(s) that you are hiring have the skills that qualified as a professional SEO consultant. They will not be able to work as SEO consultants when they don’t have enough knowledge of how they can help businesses grow regardless of what the industry the business belongs to.

Find those consultants who are mindful when it comes to working with just any company. These people make sure that their performances are outstanding so as to achieve the SEO goals that they have helped creating in the first place.

There are many ways by which SEO consultants may help you in growing your business. If you will notice it, a consulting service can be an entire SEO team who will help you from the ground up. Nevertheless, your job is finding a service provider that is proficient and professional.

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