Deadly Excuses That Hold You Back

She sat at her desk working a 9-to-5 job. As she perused her old photos lifted from an album on social media, she saw herself happily mixing batter in a silver bowl making Christmas cookies. She sighed as she had envisioned herself being a prominent chef with her own cooking show or at least her own restaurant.

But instead she works in finance sitting behind a desk taking calls day by day. And by this point in her life, she doesn’t see any of her dreams materializing anytime in her future. Besides, dreams are for the fresh and young people. Old people, way past their prime, have no business in making dreams. Dreams are for those who can afford them, and the endeavors entailed in reaching them.

What erroneous notions those two are.

Dreams are not exclusive for the wealthy but are accorded for anyone who is willing to make the struggle in accomplishing them. However, this misguided belief and statement becomes a justification for those who have failed themselves and their ambitions. Such misleading impression and belief of dreams being exclusive for the wealthy is a prospective threat to the doe-eyed people intent on attaining success.

What keeps us from progressing in our lives? What are the obstacles that hinder us from realizing our true potential? Are the things that impede us from our achievements truly innate in us?

All of us, if not most, have imagined futures where we see ourselves succeed. We all have dreams, aspirations and various goals that we all hope to come to fruition one day. Only the road to achieving these is not set on a straight path. That path is littered with many trials. Humans as we all are, we are not proof against committing errors in our day to day activities.

Some of us will try our hardest to make sure we reach these dreams. Some of us think of excuses on why we never got there, doing a great disservice to oneself shall you proffer inexcusable reasons for failing to reach our dreams. Some of these reasons are deadly, and here are some of them that may be keeping you from achieving your dreams.

“I do not possess an impressive work experience.”

This is a deadly cop-out and is almost synonymous with saying you do not find yourself worthy of your own dreams. You might not boast stellar credentials and impressive work experience, but that should not be a roadblock in chasing your dreams. Additionally, this excuse also becomes the reason some people settle for less than what they are truly worth. They slave for hours on minimal compensation without stopping to consider that they might be qualified for a higher position and a better salary bracket. Never let this excuse restrict you from attaining your goals. In one way or another, we have had all the experience we need, and this is called ‘life experience’ that can be utilized for any work we are involved in.

“I am too young or old.”

As the adage goes, “Age is just a number” and in this case, it still is. Age is no basis of whether you should start or cease chasing success. Either way, whether you are young or old, you possess innumerable advantages. When you are young, you are filled with boundless enthusiasm and energy. Whereas, when you are old, you are more knowledgeable and experienced which will work to your advantage. Don’t let this excuse serve as an obstacle to achieving your dreams. After all, age should not matter.

“My education is unremarkable.”

A common reason for delaying the chase of dreams is people lamenting the fact that they do not possess a college degree. Most of us were misled to believe that to be truly successful in life, we should go to school and get a job – a rather formulaic take on success. Because of this misguided belief, people are committing themselves to a self-imposed prison and have ultimately disabled themselves from a race where they could have won. Possessing a college degree in no way makes you smarter than anyone else; we are all smart in our own way. Proper application of our intellect will take us places, and that in itself is more than enough.

“Time is not on my side.”

In essence, it is like you are saying that you do not have time to achieve all that you envisioned for yourself. This deadly excuse is the lamest one among the ones listed in this article. Achieving an ultimate goal is not set in stone, and the logistics involved in it is not always the same for everyone. There is no definite time frame for it. So, if anything, you should be navigating the road to achieving your dreams today. You may not possess all the needed resources you want, but there is no harm in starting small today which would eventually get bigger day by day. Remember, there is no effort so small as to render it insignificant. Every little thing you do today counts tomorrow. So start now.

“I do not have enough support.”

This excuse shifts the blame towards others rather than focusing the blame on yourself. The truth is, you need to have a proper self-awareness before you can truly attain your dreams and succeed in life. You do not need to source support from others in achieving your dreams. In lieu of garnering support, you should create and find it. There are a lot of people out there who will be more than willing to see you accomplish your dreams and succeed. You just need to find the right kind of people whose dreams are in line with yours. They are looking for you as much as you are looking for them.

“I do not have the necessary finances.”

Money is a tight issue and remains to be one of the biggest reasons people would neglect chasing their dreams or avoid them altogether. We may not possess sufficient funds today, but are capable of generating those funds and saving them. We should be wise about the money we earn and be creative with the money we have saved. In time, when enough finances are accumulated, you can start making your dreams come true. There is no exact formula for success, but one way of doing it is to attain money sufficient enough to sustain your dreams.

These are the biggest deterrents and excuses in achieving one’s dreams. More often than not, you may have heard it or even used it yourself. Consider these if ever you feel the need to chalk it up to these reasons when you are in the midst of an impending surrender:

  • A dream remains a dream if you have no intent on achieving them.
  • An aspiration becomes an inspiration when a plan is thoroughly laid out in achieving it.
  • A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Remember, your dreams are your grandest possessions today and realizing them and having them come true will be your biggest accomplishment. Time, age and money are not your enemies. Your excuses are. So, it is up to you how you can change that.

How Much Time Do You Really Need to Do SEO?

how much time do you need to do seo

Search engine optimization (SEO), which some of you dread (of course, we know), seems like a daunting task. Well, it doesn’t seem so because it is really daunting. If you aren’t doing SEO yourself, you might not understand the dauntingness (love this word) of it all. This is particularly if you are letting an SEO company to do all the optimization works for you, which is completely a-okay.

Lucky for you, but if you want to know what you are paying for the man-hours involved, here’s a simple walkthrough.


The simplest answer

To answer the question, you will need A LOT of time to do SEO.

SEO is a multi-factored activity. It also depends on what optimization works your company needs. For example, a website that is nowhere near the top 10 search engine results page (SERP) requires more time than a website that is already ranking on positions 11 to 20 for specific keywords. These are your factors; I haven’t mentioned competition yet. Definitely, at least one of your rivals are implementing their own strategies. Likewise, the competition against top ranking keywords is another story.

Thus, an answer applicable to all companies is difficult to come by. All we can say is… it depends.


The work required

There are three major opportunities to optimize a website and each opportunity involves man-hours of its own. These are on-site, on-page, and off-site.

On-site SEO


On-site optimization always starts with a website audit to determine how it is currently performing SEO-wise. Optimizers need to know how does the website appeals to both users and bots. A thorough audit will be the foundation of the future improvements on the site so this must be taken seriously.

Among others, the tasks involved are:

  • Analyzing the site speed
  • Checking the keywords used
  • Conducting a keyword research
  • Analyzing the link profile (internal and external)
  • Analyzing the navigation (if the site is intuitive)
  • Checking if the site already includes micro formatting (URL, logo, and other markups)
  • Analyzing contents including structure and duplicate
  • Identifying errors (i.e. broken links, missing pages, bad codes, heavy images, etc.)
  • Checking the sitemap
  • Checking the social media activities (i.e. social widgets installation and placement)
  • Checking the site’s mobile-friendliness
  • Checking the site’s overall security
  • Checking Google Analytics and Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmasters Tools) implementation

Estimated time: 8 to 40 hours

* More man-hours will be needed if the website will require a redesign

On-page SEO

On-page SEO forms part of the on-site SEO. It’s just that the former is taken on the page level while the latter is considered on the site level. The tasks involved are:

  • Checking the tags (i.e. title, meta, header, image alt, etc.)
  • Checking whether each page has unique tags
  • Assigning landing pages or creating new ones for each keyword

Estimated time: 8 to 16 hours

For these on-site and on-page SEO, it would be much better to check this checklist so you’d really understand what needs to be done.


Setting up the SEO campaign starts with the implementation based on the results of the audit. The tasks involved are:

  • Implementing recommendations based on the analyses

Estimated time: 16 to 40 hours


After completing the initial setup, period checkups must be implemented. Adjustments must be made based on the results of each checkup. If any issues arise (major and minor), troubleshooting is required as well. Specifically, the tasks involved are:

  • Checking Google Analytics and Search Console
  • Measuring the campaign
  • Analyzing for improvements
  • Troubleshooting based on the recommendations
  • Preparing ranking and traffic reports
  • Drafting new recommendations based on the reports

Estimated time: 4 to 8 hours per week

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO are optimization efforts performed beyond the site. Nevertheless, this aspect of SEO comes in various forms and completely depends on the extent that you want to invest on it. These are tactical and yet technically optional. The tasks involved, but are not limited to the following, are:

  • Building and earning links
  • Promoting contents on social media
  • Doing other peripheral SEO strategies

Estimated time: 12 to 24 hours per week

Content development

Content creation is another daunting task and an ongoing one at that. Writing a blog post, press release or article may seem easy, but it is not. The amount of research involved alone may discourage you. Alternatively, you can outsource content writing to a service provider. In this way, you may focus on other more important things to do.

Estimated time: 4 to 16 hours per week


A basic caveat

In every task, you may use a tool, but be careful what you use. Basically, the use of tools is subjective. There are hundreds to thousands of SEO tools and apps online; it’s up to you to choose which one you think is the right fit to your purpose. [Notice that I said ‘the right fit’ not ‘the best tool’ because all of them claims to be the best. Pun intended.]

For best results, try using Google’s products (Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, etc.). They’ll tell you what to do exactly. We use this tools for our audits as well as other tools online such as Screaming Frog and Moz.


The plausible timeline

Month 1 – Audit and analysis

An entire month will be devoted to analyzing the website and its current strategy. Recommendations must be made based on the analysis. It is possible to conduct the analysis and technical changes within a month.

Month 2 – Technical SEO

Again, the technical changes may have already been implemented by this time. If the website requires more than just simple coding tweaks, this can go on for at least 2 months. That’s why it is advisable to consider SEO when developing a site from scratch or during a redesign. Nevertheless, while technical SEO is on the works, building contents and links may start now.

Month 3 – Content development

Once everything’s implemented, the foundational works such as creating contents may start now. An entire month might be needed, but this will still depend on the types of contents that you want to be created. If you’ve started publishing contents on the second month, you might be seeing results on the end of the third month.

Moreover, the succeeding months must be devoted to ongoing content creation, link building and technical optimization. You have to do this to improve your search performance to the tune of #1 position. Yes, aiming for that position is hard, but no one says that it’s impossible.

To put things in perspective, you need to invest 32 to 96 hours to do the groundwork and another 20 to 48 hours per week to do SEO. So, that’s really a lot. Again, you may do it yourself, hire an in-house SEO specialist or outsource to a local SEO company. It’s your call.


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Sneaky Techniques That Hurt Your SEO

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO, for brevity) is not dead. No matter what the critics may say — SEO remains as a powerful marketing strategy with the majority of SEO companies offering link building services guarantee results. However, SEO is not as straightforward and as easy as many of us wants it to be.


More often than not, even SEO specialists themselves will encounter a few kinks and bumps down the road, resulting into a very frustrating workflow. So, what do stressed and frustrated SEO specialists do? They resort to shortcuts.


Underhanded and offensive shortcuts at that with hopes that these black hat techniques would get them roughly the same results as the legitimate techniques, only with lesser hassles and stresses. However, this is not exactly the best way to optimize your website. In spite of giving you substantial and fast results, it may very well be the main cause of your website’s death. Sure, it’s fast, easy and it gives you the desired results, but it is rarely worth it.


Many might think that black hat SEO is a thing of the past, but this is a very common misconception. Black hat SEO still remains as one of the most obnoxious ways to garner website traffic. However, due to specific circumstances, SEO specialists are pushed to implementing these black hat techniques. Some choose the lesser evil which are gray hat techniques.


This post aims to make you aware of the many underhanded methods that website owners and even optimization experts may utilize to game Google’s ranking system. Though each of these may sound incredibly enticing, the implementation of any of these would inevitably result in being penalized by Google. Yes, Google will know that you are intentionally being deceptive. The post categorizes these techniques into three, ranging from bad to the extremely terrible and will give you samples for each proffered category.




These strategies are tricky and stealthy. You may be using them unwittingly with the misplaced notion that they are not hurting rankings. They are not done deliberately and can temporarily increase rankings.


1.)    Keyword stuffing


Sure, you managed to craft content that is both rich in information and compelling. However, at a second glance, you would see that it is rich in something else as well – keywords. And by that, it would mean that almost every line of your post is literally laced with a keyword or keyphrase. This may get you ranked. However, nowadays, it’s not as effective. Keyword utilization is still necessary and beneficial, but writing excellent content that offers rich themes and substantial information should be a priority rather than keyword density.


2.)    Keyword stuffing your image tags


Some SEO people, especially the inexperienced ones, utilize this technique. Those who did this has a misguided notion that since nobody is minding their images, they might as well stuff it with keywords. However, this misconception should be debunked. Though this will not result into any sort of penalty, it would be a challenge to your visually-impaired visitors and will not do anything good for your on-page SEO.


3.)    Guest blogging for the sole purpose of link building


In building your brand and expanding your reach, this seems like a necessary  action. But take caution as guest blogging on irrelevant sites just to gain links is             never okay. This could potentially get you in trouble more so because the mantra nowadays is earning editorial links.




These are the techniques you are very well-aware are not so acceptable. However, for the sake of page rankings and favorable web traffic, you are willing to look the other way. These are the techniques that might cause an initial increase, but take heed; you will eventually have to face the consequences.


1.)    Using irrelevant keywords in order to rank


There are days wherein we need to produce topnotch contents. However, there are also days wherein we could not find relevant themes to fit the barrage of keywords we are given for the week. So what do some optimizers do? They utilize them anyway. This is one of the shortcuts that marketers do for the sole purpose of ranking for those keywords. Unfortunately, Google has been sharpened its algorithms to identify a page’s real topic through Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). So, using this otherwise unacceptable technique is moot anyway.


2.)    Meta keyword stuffing


Over-optimizing your Meta keywords does not hold any real consequences, but it does not do much either as it would not give you any sort of advantage in terms of rankings. The same can be said for your Meta description. Though Google would not use the content of your description as a ranking factor, it serves as your ad copy in the SERP’s. So, with that in mind, make sure you craft the meta description in such a way that it describes your page accurately, enticingly and appealingly.


3.)    Irrelevant footer links


Footer links are extremely necessary for helping visitors navigate your site. However, there are some sites which utilize footers but not necessarily aimed at helping users. They do it so they will garner more rankings for their keywords. Keep in mind that if you are indeed providing a link in your footer, make sure it is actually useful for your visitors. Do not do it for ranking purposes.




You are well aware that this is wrong, but you do it anyway. You are enticed by the easy rankings and you just cannot help it. A word of warning though. This is going to get you penalized. Best case scenario would be you preparing to receive a manual penalty. However, there could also be a complete de-indexing of your site.  


1.)    Baiting then switching


In a nutshell, this involves waiting for a page to rank, then stealthily replacing it with a different page. This will get you irrelevant ranking for a while, but nothing bypasses Google. They will eventually figure this strategy out. You may see this as getting ranking, but it would also send your bounce rates through the roof. Thus, this is hardly worth the risk.


2.)    Doorway pages


These are pages crafted for the purpose of intentionally getting a keyword ranked by merely diverting visitors to a different page in the process. Doorway pages offer little to no content at all and often result in many useless pages, taking up all the top rankings for a given keyword.


3.)    Invisible text


As archaic and obsolete this strategy may be, it is still rather rampant and happens rather regularly. What happens here is that webmasters would disguise keywords on a certain page by matching the text color to the background. In some instances, they position the text off the screen using CSS, making it only visible to search engines.


In closing…


There are a lot more black hat techniques including link schemes that are not covered by this article. However, we have glossed over some of the most common strategies that are still surprisingly utilized today despite being corrupt.  Always take into consideration that these techniques may increase your traffic and give your keywords ranking in the short-term. But, more likely than not, it would damage not only your rankings but your reputation as well in the long-term.


And are you really willing to take that risk just for the sake of doing things easier and faster? I think not.

Let’s admit it! For the past years up until now, emojis have already influenced and penetrated the way we communicate with other people. We usually use emojis to fill empty and boring texts into more exciting and fun messages. How much more if we bring it to the next level? SEO Companies, and I’m sure you too, are thrilled with the thought of using and integrating emojis with their social media optimization efforts.

If you are not sure and still stuck on the thought whether emojis are worth the integration on your social media strategies or not, let me give you some reasons why emojis can help boost your brand’s presence. For one, it can make you appear friendlier to your followers and target audience and make you happier offline in the process!

They make you more popular on social media

Have you ever tried reading blog posts or even comments that are so plain with no visuals at all? Boring, isn’t it? And you definitely don’t want to continue reading it. There are times that no matter how good the content of your posts, your target audience will still not notice or, worse, deliberately ignore your post. Perhaps, your posts were monotonous and dry enough for them not to be engaged and interested on it. I bet, you too will skip that post and scroll down!

It doesn’t matter whether your post is long or short. If you just have the right visual or emoticon that will help represent what you want to imply, your target audience will definitely love to drop by and read your post. And they will do this consistently. The more attractive your posts are, the more people will be interested to read and share them to others.

They convey your emotions correctly

It will definitely be hard on our part to imagine how happy, sad or pissed our followers are if there are no representations of what they really feel. Before the emojis exists, typing and including *pissed* on your post is just a word with no feelings at all. Well, it will really take an imaginative mind to picture just how pissed the person is.

However, with the use of emojis, it gives life to the feelings that we have. It projects and represents the almost exact feeling that we want to convey with the other person. Of course, it is given that we should use the right and exact emoji for others to clearly understand how we feel.

People who usually used emojis on their content can immediately grab their target audience’s attention. There are even times that we tend to giggle, smile or laugh whenever we see posts with emojis that are so cute that we want to use and look at it all the time. With that, who would not want to enjoy reading your posts?

They’re ok even in business settings

A lot of you here might wonder and ask whether using of emojis in companies is acceptable or not. For some, the use of emojis when communicating is a sign of unprofessionalism. Perhaps, they think that emojis are only used for communicating with friends and families. Well, that might be true to some firms especially when they are strict with their policies. All forms of communication must be firm and professional in any way.

However, there are a lot of businesses that have already adapted the trend. They already have included emojis in sending emails to their target market. There are even studies that can prove that use of such increases the target audience’s participation.

The University of Missouri-St. Louis had a research about how their target audience react when they received emails with emojis. Researchers sent two kinds of email to the group of audience. One is a flirtatious email and the second one is extending a job interview request with emojis on some part of it. They then discovered that their target audience like the second email more because they feel like the sender is talking to them in a friendlier and more approachable way.

Moreover, they discovered that although they used emojis in some of the emails, the credibility of the sender was not affected in any way. It only grew more traffic and participation from the target audience.

They soften the blow of critique

Generally, if one receives a critique from his or her followers, that’s because they were not pleased by the content that they’ve read. The content might have offended them or it violated some of their rights as a consumer. There are many other reasons, which lead any of your follower to throw some criticisms on your way.

However, if you used some emojis especially some smileys on your email or article, they might have second thoughts on directing harsh criticisms on you. There are also studies shows that whenever there are some negative feedback from your followers, yet you responded to them with positive emojis, there is a higher possibility that your followers will have a change of mood. They will feel good about the message that you have sent to them.

They create a happier workplace

In everything you do, there will always be a positive and a negative feedback from your followers as well as from your colleagues. You even criticize yourself, right? However, when you create a positive vibe even with the way you communicate, it will develop a good atmosphere in the place. Not just in your workplace, but also in the digital work, in general.

Furthermore, people who use emojis can accurately “read” the emotional content of a message, which leads to lesser conflicts in understanding and clarifying messages. Thus, giving the conversation a more “light-hearted” tone.

In sum, emojis play a significant role in the way people interact in the social media. It is something that the audience naturally uses and expects to see whenever one updates his or her status or post. Following the trend, several brands and well-known companies are now using these visuals to increase brand engagement. These are the audiences’ emotion-driven engagement, encouraging them to care more about the post without interrupting the way we communicate our brand towards our target audience.

How to Find Blogging Ideas

Blogging for search engine optimization (SEO, for brevity) is not at all straightforward and direct. In fact, it can be rather complicated. It is not always easy to do and it is not always as effortless as bloggers and writers alike want it to be. There are days wherein you hold all the ideas in the world and nothing seems to stop you from writing. But there are also days where your mind would be blissfully blank and ideas are not as plenteous as they should be.

These are the days where bloggers and writers torture themselves for hours thinking about an appropriate topic that they could write about. And these are the days wherein a writer’s block is the most dreaded predicament. However, it is a common erroneous inference when people think that it is difficult to write and that this is the main reason for encountering a roadblock in writing.

No. Writing is a relatively easy task. but finding topics is rather arduous. Most especially, if you need one that fits your keyword best and if you have a certain quota of write-ups as well as a designated word count to make, it’ll be even more complex for you. This is why writers and bloggers alike who get rather commonplace keywords (or even ones that do not get any at all) for their blogs write fast and publish their articles well within the time frame given to them.

Still, for those writers and bloggers who write articles for an SEO company that specializes in link building services, finding a topic is rather taxing. This is precisely why finding blogging ideas and topics that are especially fitting and appropriate to your keyword is akin to finding the Rosetta stone.

However, with the world in your hands at the tap and click of a finger, finding relevant information to your keyword or topic should not be so difficult. This is a common oversight most bloggers and writers have. This is because even if you are granted unlimited access to various information online, more often than not, finding one that is appropriate to your theme, your keyword and your blog is similar to winning the lottery – chances are slim. Additionally, you have to scour through millions to billions of relevant information online in order to craft the perfect article. Let’s face it; you just do not have that kind of time.

If you are a writer yourself who encounters this kind of problem every single time you are given a new keyword or a bunch of keywords that are rather uncommon, then this article aims to help you. This write-up aims to walk you through the different ways that you could potentially find blogging ideas for your next article.

In this post, you will find different ideas on how to do just that. However, before that, here are a few tips that should aid you in maximizing every blog topic generation technique offered in this post.

  • Synonyms and technical terms from successful posts and pages are your friends. Make sure to include them in your article as this will help improve your page’s relevancy and search ranking potential.
  • Instead of focusing on the target keyword of a relevant post, understand the topic being discussed instead and craft a comprehensive post from that.

Now let’s discuss the different ways to find blog post ideas.

1.)  Utilize and exploit the success of other website’s pages

This one is fairly straightforward. Most bloggers and writers are already using this technique currently. Additionally, this is one of the easiest blog topic generators. By getting inspiration from other brands’ successful posts or pages, you can tap into their success and generate convert-ready traffic. This is because these pages already successfully brought traffic to their blogs and has traction on other blogs. That’s why, you can be assured they have potential in sending organic, social and referral traffic to your blog as well.

2.)    Answer the queries your target audience seems to have

To utilize this technique, there are several question-and-answer based platforms online where you can find and potentially answer the questions your audience has. Most of these queries are found in Yahoo Answers and Quora because these two sites are user-friendly and extremely trendy and popular for beginners to certain topics. Create a profile and select a niche and read through the most popular questions. From there, you can generate an article that would potentially attract readers.

3.)  Explore other sites

Look for other sites that host popular content and identify their most-shared content around the web. From this, analyze what is trendy and what has been big recently. You do not necessarily have to zero in and focus on your niche only. Browse various popular articles online and observe how they craft their headlines and the type of format that they use. Look at how they present their content and peruse their feedback. All these elements can be of real help to you when you create your own topic and your own content.

4.)  Know what your audience wants

Never make assumptions on what your audience wants to read. Remember, they are reading your articles for a reason and they are not as well versed about it as you are. Do not write your articles as if you are conversing with a pundit. Keep in mind that your audiences are basically novices so craft something that they will enjoy. To do this, you need to put yourself in their shoes and think of the type of questions they might ask. From this, you can generate a blog that would aid your audiences and aid you in gaining traffic.

5.)   Read and write a lot

This technique is pretty obvious, but largely overlooked. This is because most writers and bloggers no longer have the luxury of time for extracurricular writing and reading when they have a quota to meet. However, should spare time be available, never neglect reading and writing as this helps you get fresh ideas and a different point of view and another perspective. Writing often will also help you polish your skills. As the age-old saying goes, the more you do something, the better you are going to be. Designate at least thirty minutes of your time every single day to writing. It does not have to be groundbreaking and inspirational. Just make sure you do write every day. This will help you when you encounter an obstacle when it comes to crafting articles.

In sum…

It is not always easy to find topics for our blogs. No matter how hard we scour for resources and relevant information online, there are just some topics that will evade us. Writing will become more arduous than it was fun. But, it is important to develop a momentum and the tips offered above will help you do so. Once a flash of inspiration hits you and gives you a stride, you will realize that generating ideas is not that difficult at all.

Is listening to music really helps us in focusing our work? Well, that depends on what kind of music you are listening to! As we all know, music is a way of expressing oneself when we cannot put it into words.  It is for this reason why music is regarded as one of the triumphs of human creativity.

Some writers do well whenever they listen to music, and always have it on while completing their articles. However, for some, listening to music is debateable. They usually find it distracting. Perhaps, you are listening to the wrong music at a wrong time. Yes, there are music that puts off your focus (eg. Rock, Metal rock, etc.).

Generally, you can definitely identify music from noise and/or a good music from a crappy one. The effectiveness of music depends whether you like what you hear or not. There might be some of you here who listens to music without even realizing its beneficial effects. Now, here are those:

Music increases your focus

As a writer, maintaining our focus is a crucial thing to do. Some of you here get easily distracted even with the slightest sound around them. While others, they need to listen to music in order for them to create a good content and start writing. If you are working in a place where noise is everywhere and you tend to lose your focus, then listening to good music is one of your escapes. Music will definitely give you a sense of normalcy and improve your focus as you go along with your writings.

Music lifts your mood

As a writer, we want our contents to be interesting and engaging. However, there might be some of you here usually and easily feel discourage. Being frustrated on the topics and/or the contents that we have made is inevitable. That is why, whenever we feel like our topic seems off, or even when we don’t know what to write at all, we usually have a bad feeling about it. Why not try listening to one of your favourite songs? Through it, it can brightens up your mood and boost your self-esteem. Of course, you also have to listen to the tunes that can make you feel happy and enthusiastic to work and write better contents.

Music lyrics can inspire you

If you haven’t realized it yet, there are certain lyrics of the song that can give you an idea on what to write next, especially if you don’t have anything that you can think of. If want to write about fashion, you can listen and have some inspiration from the hit tract “Suit & Tie” by Justin Timberlake, and/or listen to the song of Shontelle “T-shirt”, “Fashionista” by Jimmy James, etc.

Wait, there are still more! Writers also have their own set of songs¬¬ to be inspired with. You will definitely love the song “Paperback writer” by The Beatles, “Screenwriter’s Blues” by Soul Counghing, “Everyday I write the book” by Elvis Costello, and many other songs that will inspire you to write more.

However, there is a caveat though; lyrics can also be a distraction. Sometimes, you tend to sing along with the lines of the song without realizing you are already paying too much attention to the song and not with the content that you have. There are writers who just listen to music without any lyrics at all. With that, your full attention is on their article.

Music can bring emotion

When we listen to music, there are certain songs that can bring back the memories from your past. Although your memories might bring back a happy or a tragic one, it can still lead you to feel about a particular thing. For instance, if you feel like writing about a sad love story, then listening to a sad song can help you unleash your emotional side.

There are even times that writer who listens to music tends to be carried away by their emotions and creates a perfect scene for their story. Of course, that will always be depends on what kind of music that can bring sadness or happiness that can also be incorporated by the content that you make.

Music can act as a powerful anchor

Writers definitely know that creating a good article is not that simple, there are certain things to consider before you can start writing. Basically, if you lack the determination and motivation in writing, then coming up a good content might be difficult to achieve.

However, listening to music can be used as a transition in coming up an idea and feeling towards the article that you are making. That transition can be a powerful anchor and/or basis to achieve an interesting topic. And once you have found the right music, you can use it any time you need to have a brainstorming session. The more you listen to a particular song, the more it continuously triggers the inspiration you are looking for.

Music is scientifically proven to shift brain waves

Sometimes, we have this misconception in mind that the inspiration that comes from music is only our imaginary. Nope! There are scientific explanations why listening to good music can boost creativity, awareness and motivation. When we listen to music, it creates a great impact on our brains and bodies.

There are also studies that have shown that the right kind of music can help you relax your mind which enables you to concentrate better. The more you feel relax, the more creative you can be.

Listening to music is more than entertainment and fun. Generally, with so many things to do at work, or in school, music has become an important way to “optimize the boring”. Moreover, music has increasingly become a part of the modern work session, especially when we seek an inspiration to write articles, novels, scripts, and/or any other forms of content.

Of course, we listen to music that we like and enjoy. It makes us feel different and inspired all throughout the day. In my case, as a writer, I’m picky when it comes to the selection of music. I usually listen to instrumentals like Jazz, Bossa Nova, Sax, classics. Generally, the music that I’m going to listen is going to make my entire day, which is why I usually pick good music for me to keep my sanity. And don’t forget Bach and Mozart, listening to their songs is definitely beneficial to you.

How about you? What kind of music that inspires you to write?


So you have sat down, had your morning coffee and booted up your computer. This week is going to be like any other week with ideas flowing from you as easily as how you made your morning coffee. You certainly expect to have your work journal lined up with several topics and with their corresponding target dates by the end of the day. Yep, you certainly have it figured it out. Any time now — just any time now — you would begin firing away on that personal computer and have your fingers relentlessly drumming on the keyboard.


But the more you stared at that white screen and that persistent blinking cursor, the more annoying it became and you obviously grew more frustrated. As you tap your table, you want to lash out a million or so expletives. This was supposed to be easy! You took this job for a reason and now it feels like your idea well has run dry. As you roll your pen up and down your palm, a bright flash and an impulsive stroke of genius suddenly illuminates your otherwise darkened head. You decided you were going to do a fascinating piece about how insurance affects our daily lives. It was profoundly brilliant and you distinctly wondered how it took you so long to engender this idea. As your shaking fingers hover over the keyboard, your monthly editorial calendar beckons you to look.


You do not want to because you know what would happen if you do. But then you knew you had to, so you sighed in resignation and took a peek. Crap. The topic you thought you cunningly thought of has already been done three weeks ago, by you no less, As you shook your head in defeat and disbelief, you thought your brilliance just might have run out. You want to produce something thought-provoking, something inspiring, something clever and something your potential readers may actually want to read. You do not want to produce blog articles and posts simply for the fact that you want to meet your weekly quota.


No. That would reduce what you are doing into something most people would call “work.” When you produce articles and pieces, they are not simply because of work, they are what you would consider, your art. These are your masterpieces, your babies if you may say. Many might accuse you of being a perfectionist, but this is precisely why the mortifying thought of producing anything less than stellar is unacceptable and downright terrifying.


However, it is a reality that most people are unaware of the demands the writer sets upon himself or herself. Particularly true as not everyone is born a writer. But now with each idea you come up with sounding more absurd and more unoriginal than the last, you begin to wonder if you had not only managed to meet your monthly quota but used up your quota for clever ideas as well. You begin to wonder if you should just think of a substandard topic and get on with your writing. Then again, you were exceptionally known for your riveting and novel ideas which would mean choosing the easier alternative is unthinkable.


So, how do you accomplish this? Not to mention you have your SEO Company to take into account for the insertion of keywords in your write-ups. You cannot even think of a topic, let alone insert a keyword. To date, this has been your biggest dilemma. However, this is not an unlikely occurrence considering that bloggers, content providers, and writers alike are battered weekly for topics and ideas.


Surely, even if one is exceptionally gifted with the talent of prose and eloquence, there is bound to be a day where your topics may sound redundant and inauthentic. But, of course, as masters of our art, we do want to avoid this from occurring in a month or broadly, for occurring at all. Just how do ordinary writers like us hurdle this inevitable obstacle of sounding repetitious? Well, let this article serve as a guide as it offers you tips on how to come up with thought-provoking blog posts and articles.


1.)  Capturing and Honing Your Ideas


The human mind, like everything in this world, is finite. There is no magical entity in existence that would grant you original and riveting concepts. But there are ways to produce authentic ideas with consistency. First on your list is to internalize your subject as this is where your base is. Be knowledgeable about your niche and be the first to know about the newest innovations. Educate yourself and strive to push your knowledge to the forefront of your subject. This is where a pool of ideas resides and where you would make a discovery of them.


Secondly, you should collect your ideas the moment they enter your head as you encounter dilemmas and as you discover solutions for them. This is pivotal in unique content creation. Next on your list is to foster your independent thinking. You should at least have an opinion and stand by it. Go against the conventional thinking if you may. Most especially if your line of thought is not commonplace. When you do research, make notes and consider the points as well as the counterpoints.


Additionally, you should learn how to develop your personal ideas. Develop personal opinions in various subjects and have a journal where you can connect topics you will soon be making for your blog. This is where you cultivate your idea seeds and where you will soon make a harvest. Lastly, push your core message and discover what is important to you and align it to the needs of your readers. This is the compelling message that should be in your content.

2.)  Writing Inimitable Blog Entries


With the vastness of the web, it is next to impossible to have unique and fresh topics. However, as writers, we can bring a fresh new spin to existing topics with our unique insight, voice and style. To accomplish this, you need to act quickly. The faster you act, the fresher your content is. This would give your posts a reputation for being trendy as well as newsworthy, making it a must-read for potential visitors.


Secondly, you need to connect using your voice. Be unique, write in your own voice as it will help identify you and revel in your authentic approach in providing content. Let’s face it, in a world of thousands of writers, would you really like to be just like everyone? Get your voice discovered and let your audiences discover you. Apart from that, it is a good idea to experiment to innovate. Brainstorm ideas and do some experiments, if you may. Advancement comes at a risk; so,  if you push your thoughts forward, never be afraid of this. Instead, give them a try.


Lastly, coat your post with a clear and definite purpose. Grab your audiences’ attention and make sure their eyes never leave what they are reading till they reach the very end of your post. Make your post compelling and entertaining enough to read. There are innumerable numbers of inspiring write-ups in the English language alone. You have one post. Make it count.


3.)  Cultivating Your Originality


If there is one thing a writer wants to be, it is to be original. He or she wants her work to be groundbreaking and compelling. However, one writer cannot hold on to that originality he or she once had for a lifetime. To illustrate, say the word “authentic” a hundred times on your head. After a while or so, you will give yourself a headache. And the word itself would feel so out of place and unoriginal. More often than not, you will begin to question if it was a real word at all. Do not let this limit you, corner you and slow down your writing.


Great ideas need time to brew. It means to say you will most likely produce a lot of mediocre articles before something totally riveting and original takes form. But just because it is not happening yet does not mean you have to stop writing altogether. Just enjoy your craft and appreciate that you are able to produce something. Educate yourself on your topic and your niche. Do this and original ideas will eventually come to you.


In sum…


Anything considered art requires real, driven and intense passion. This is especially true if you want to be original and consistent at the same time. You will feel this incessant need to write and bleed all over the page. You need to tap into this insurmountable energy and feel the very importance of it in your very veins.


Say something you have full confidence in. Say it with conviction. Your audience deserves it as much. These are your thoughts, and this is precisely where originality comes from. Let your ideas fly. Remember, originality is not found in just one source. It is found in the connections and experiences you encounter. It is found where the ‘you’ becomes a ‘we’ and where ‘you’ makes a ‘we.’


Write to foster your ideas. They may not always be novel and groundbreaking. However, for every single word you type, you are driving yourself closer to originality than the last word you have thought of.

Have you ever tried staring at your paper for minutes with an empty mind? Have you ever feel like you don’t know what to write and where and how to start you first sentence? Writer’s block. Every writer struggles with it, and it is inevitable. We lose our inspiration and we don’t feel like writing at all. However, if you are working in an SEO company, it is a must for you to come up with fresh ideas for your content. Not an easy task to do, right?

As a content marketer, we want our writings to be perfect, but we also want the paper done as soon as possible. The undeniable truth is that writer’s block strikes any time of the day, causing us not to have any content output at all.

Well, sometimes, you just need a little break from what you are doing and take the time to organize your thoughts and things around you. And since professional writing is as fiercely competitive as it is desired, a little bit of motivation from the content experts might inspire you to do more and be better than what you did before.


1. “Content is the reason search began in the first place” – Lee Odden (TopRank Marketing)

Content marketers play a big role in other people’s lives. When people need to know something, they search for contents that can address concerns. We marketers provide these people some information about various topics. Without content marketers giving information, there might not be enough things to know and learn.

2. “Ask yourself, what simple twist on a familiar theme will entrap your audience?” – Drew Davis (Brandscaping)

One of the reasons why people try to search something on the web is because they want to know something. They don’t search a particular thing that they already know unless they want to verify the info that they already have. That is why, it is a must for us content marketers to make interesting and informative contents that can immediately grab the readers’ attention. Getting their attention is critical in our line of work. But without those catchy twists on our content while not deviating to our main goal which is to inform our audience, then it might be impossible for us to let them engage.


3. “Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.” – Avinash Kaushik (Google)

Writing content is not just merely writing, we write for our readers. We want to make them feel that we, content marketers, contributed to their knowledge. That is, through writing and giving them the information that they need to know right when they need it. Isn’t it a great feeling knowing that we are a part of their growth?

4. “Content: there is no easy button.” – Scott Abel (Content Strategist)

Content marketing is definitely not easy! If you are serious enough on making your readers feel that you are a part of their learning, then you also have to be serious in coming up with fresh and engaging topics for them. And yes, this is not easy, too! The struggle is real! Well, if you feel like you are struggling with keeping the fresh ideas flowing, why not take a little break, breathe some fresh air and of course, research!

5.  “Useful + Enjoyable + Inspired = Innovative Content” – Ann Handley (MarketingProfs)

As a content marketer, if you are going to put yourself on your reader’s shoes, you definitely do not want to read crappy contents, right? Thus, it is important for us to know how to make our contents useful to them. For instance, we must be adept on knowing how our content can help them increase their learning and how they can apply it on their everyday lives.

6. “Be the best answer.” – Lee Odden, (TopRank Marketing)

There are thousands to millions of answers people can get with just a single search. Naturally, they cannot read these answers one by one. Gather and select – that is one of the things people usually do to find the right and best answer to their questions. Creating a content that would be the best answer for your readers increases your credibility as a content marketer.

7. “If your content isn’t driving conversation, you’re doing it wrong.” – Dan Roth

Again, the purpose of creating content is readers’ consumption as they will be the one to receive and utilize the content. With this, your content should be written as if you are talking to them in person. Isn’t it great when a person seems to be directly talking to you? If your readers feel that they are out of the picture, they might feel that your content is not intended for them and they won’t read it.

8. “A successful content marketing strategy is dependent on how well you know the customer’s information needs. Listening is required.” – Joe Pulizzi

The number one reason why content marketers exist is to create good content for the readers. If we fail to meet their expectations in giving them what they need, we are only defeating our duty and responsibility. We cannot make good contents if we don’t know what kind of content our readers want to read, what kind of content that can best answer their concerns, or what types of contents can change their lives forever. Without listening to their needs, it might be hard to meet those expectations on our end.

9. “New ideas are sometimes found in the most granular details of a problem where few others bother to look.” – Nate Silver

Our mentors, whose opinion we respect the most, usually tell us to think out of the box, think big or think beyond our imagination. Yep, that’s true. However, there are certain things that can be found in small things which we most likely to skip, thinking that these are just “small.” Such a small thing can be made into a bigger and more engaging idea for your content. Well, technically, you are also thinking out of the box hence you were able to notice the small details that others did not bother to look at at all.

10.    “The future of content marketing is in your hands.” – David Hahn (LinkedIn)

Living in this generation, it is impossible for the people not to rely on the web. Whenever they want to know something, the web is their best friend. Of course, as a marketer, it is our duty that we give the information that these people need. We are the one who can help them with whatever concerns that they have in life. There is the unyielding need for content. And in order for us to be part of their growth, we must give them the best content that they need now and what they might be needing in the future.

Being a content marketer is not as easy as you might think it is. There are various things that must be taken into consideration before going public. Sometimes, we have to think twice or even thrice whether our target readers will going to read our content or not. If they aren’t reading it, then, as Dan Roth says, we might be doing it wrong.

Top SEO Faux Pas

seo faux pas

In these current times, websites are no longer considered a luxury, it is a fact that they are now a necessity. Websites  are vital to the growth of a business in nearly all industries to remain competitive. And because of this, SEO (search engine optimization) strategists have come up with various ways to stay on top of the business. This may involve optimization that offers link building services and would grant you guaranteed SEO.

So, you have created impactful, information rich, compelling and great engaging content. You value the necessity of responding to a reader and customer feedbacks are an extreme boon for the existence of your website. You make essential adjustments, use correct header tags, utilize and source images legally and write attention grabbing headlines. You have managed to do everything in your capacity and to your knowledge. This should all have been efficacious in giving you exemplary results, right? But you may wonder, what are you still doing wrong?

It may have escaped your attention, but you may have been adopting increasingly aggressive marketing tactics that are more likely to harm your website visibility in search engines instead of helping it. You may be doing this in a misguided attempt at getting more views and in an injudicious competitive spirit. Shall you continue doing so, your website visibility will most likely tank in the long run.

If you think you may have, this article helps you become aware of it. Check the list below and see if you are committing any of the said SEO cardinal faux pas.

  1. Keyword Over-Optimization

Before the advent of Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithms, overuse of keywords (otherwise known as “keyword stuffing”) was a common practice. Yet website owners rarely experienced any adverse ramifications over this. Today however, search engines have become increasingly complex and Google, in particular, is continuously tweaking and altering its algorithms to reward content that is high in quality while penalizing low-quality content.

Nowadays, stuffing a page with keywords in an attempt to make it rank higher for those phrases is not only ineffectual and impractical, but it will tank you rankings as well. This is not only an example of an ineffective tactic that may have negative repercussions but should this particular tactic be identified by Google’s Panda algorithm, the website may be subsequently removed from Google’s search results.

  1. Insufficient and Infrequent Content

Keeping website content short and sweet may have been the primary focus for years. Recently however, this focus has shifted. The current trend among search engines is that they prefer pages with information-rich, in-depth and compelling content. Should a search engine encounter a page without so much content, it would potentially conclude that this page is low in quality. These contents are considered “thin contents,” ensuing to less visibility in search results.

Publish quality, valuable, informative and relevant content in order to ensure that your website remains competitive today. Generally, articles that include properly-formatted images and videos tend to rank better in search engines, have higher engagement with readers and get shared more in social media.

Google wants to display content in its search results that people will appreciate and like. So give your website a closer inspection and see if anyone would really love it. If not, remove the offending content or combine it with other content to create something better that would be valuable and shareable.

Apart from sufficient and compelling content, a lot of website owners do not quite understand just how essential consistency and frequency is when it comes to content publication. Succinctly put, there is a definitive link between publication frequency and search engine rankings.

  1. Broken Links

“Broken link” is the term given to a hyperlink that no longer redirects you to its intended destination. This is rather cumbersome for readers who were already won over by your lengthy spiel and your promise to deliver. Furthermore, it makes your site unreliable as well.

Sites naturally accumulate broken links but this can be a major nuisance to your visitors and Google does not appreciate them either. But if they are supposedly natural, why would Google penalize you for them? Well, the simple reason is that bad links will earn you a bad reputation which would cause a ripple effect. Online, people or businesses with adverse reputations are not viewed as authorities on anything.

And along with that, Google downgrades rankings on sites with many issues such as this. So clean up your site and make sure broken links are remedied.

  1. Unnatural Link Building

A common mistake among website owners is having the misguided impression that buying links is a speedy and effective way to boost their site’s search engine rankings. While quantity and quality of inbound links are a major factor in the search ranking algorithm, unnatural inbound links can trigger devastating penalties on your website.

Fact is, Google has been rather clear regarding their stance when it comes to the purchase of links. Simply put, Google does not like it and are quick to punish any site found to be building unnatural links. The bottom line is learning how to build your links naturally.

  1. Building Too Many Links on Your Homepage

A website would look contrived if it only links back to the homepage. One of your SEO goals should you want results is to make the backlinks profile look as natural as possible. A lot of online businesses get too excited about ranking their homepage, making them forget to build backlinks to other pages.

Instead of building hundreds of links to your homepage, you should split these links to your blog posts as well. This factor would make your website rank better in Google.


To conclude…

Managing a website along with a business is not exactly an easy feat and it is extremely time-consuming. Furthermore, with the added responsibility of keeping up with changes in the SEO industry, it is rather difficult to keep up with the changes in the SEO industry. It is also difficult for business owners to have a clear idea of what to do when it comes to implementing a good SEO campaign. It might be easy to understand why business owners commit these mistakes, but it does not excuse them all the time. By now, business owners should exercise more caution and be more proactive in the pursuit of beneficial SEO techniques.

So roughly four years ago, Google made the announcement that stated they were going to start encrypting search results for logged-in Google users—this includes any Google-owned product such as Google+, Youtube, Gmail and etc. Approximately two years ago, Google delivered that promise making search engine companies all over the world shake their heads in disappointment and clamor for an acceptable reason behind this move. By 2013, Search Engine Land had reported that Google has made this change, which was aimed at encrypting all search activity save for clicks on ads. Additionally, Google confirmed that it was encrypting searches from the Chrome Omnibox their reason being the protection of a substantial amount of users who were not even signed in. This translated to marketers not being able to get the keyword. Naturally, SEO companies were enraged as this was basically the nightmare of every SEO company that finally took form in reality.

So why is this happening?

According to Google’s assertion, the reason for this dreaded switch was to provide that much needed “extra protection” for searchers. NSA might have contributed to Google’s pivotal decision though as Search Engine Land suspects that Google might also be attempting to block their spy activity considering that Google was accused of giving the National Security Agency access to its search data back in June 2013. Though Google strongly denied this, it is a plausible assumption considering the timeliness of their decision. This move also strongly suggests that Google is utilizing this move to get more people to use Google adwords considering that they encrypt all search activity for everything with the sole exception of ad clicks.

What this could potentially mean?

So what does this mean to marketers? In a nutshell, it means that marketers would no longer be able to identify which keywords a person who was logged into searched for before they came upon your website. This is true even if they would be using a web or marketing analytics platform. These keywords are vital as these keyword insights would provide marketers the much needed information on what keywords to target to achieve greater visibility in search. Google encrypting all keyword data translates to not just losing some of their Google keyword insights for marketers but rather, this would mean they would lose all of them. As a result, this would cause a lot of concern for marketers particularly in addressing the dilemma of finding out how searchers would find and arrive at their websites. Furthermore, this would mean content strategies are affected and might have to be revamped.

So how does a Marketer address this?

A few SEO experts weighed in on the situation and offered varied opinions but it all boils down to creating great content. According to Aaron Aders, a Co-founder of digitalrelevance, secure searches, while frustrating to many SEO marketers, is actually a great move for the SEO industry. To him, it would mean that great SEO is great content with powerful digital endorsements from relevant and authoritative websites which would result in business results that transcend keyword conversation.
While Larry Kim, Founder and CTO of Wordstream says that since as SEO optimized content is already themed content which generally focuses around a specific topic, tracking the SEO performance of all of your URL’s is still very much possible. While Andre Pitre, a HubSpot Analytics Product Manager asserts that marketers should be accustomed to living in a world where only bits and pieces of information are offered and are given access to information that is largely incomplete. Furthermore, he added that it is a big part of a marketer’s job to interpret the incomplete data and make the best decisions out of that.

So what should you do?

Well, with all this you should not feel completely left in the dark about how search impacts and influences your marketing strategy. Here are some of the ways you can utilize in order to measure and use search data:
*Do not disregard other search engines! Search engines such as Bing and Yahoo still continue to pass along keyword data. Though it will not provide marketers the full picture, analytics tool such as HubSpot can still show keywords for the thirty three percent of searches that come from search engines like Bing, Yahoo, AOL and etc. This would at least give marketers an indication of which keywords are the most useful.
*Organic search still works and it is still possible to tell how much traffic your website is receiving from this. You might not exactly know the exact keywords but you can still very much correlate the work you do to optimize your site and create content to increase or decrease your organic search.
*Rank still continues to play a role in helping measure the results of search engine optimization and content creation.
* Setting up Adwords will still give you access to keyword insights and Google Analytics so it is best to take advantage of those.
*Social Media becomes even more prominent so utilize it. Link your blog, website, newsletter and other information across all social media platforms and channels. This is a great way to get your content noticed by social media followers.
* With Google encrypting its keywords, it is high time to produce more compelling content and get serious about quality content. It is no question that Google is placing a much higher premium on quality content rather than just the text that has only given a number of keywords. Furthermore, you can think of various ways to get your content seen and read through Google’s innovation though you have to be incredibly creative to get this done. As a result, this would be the opportune time for focusing in creating content that provides information, advice, tutorials, and tips that solve commonplace and not so commonplace dilemmas. You can also choose to answer real questions and engage with your website visitors more through a comment section. Emphasis, according to Google, is placed on the ability to inform actual users.

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